Start of Something;Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Peyton Fields was busy working, running from one table to another. She was trying her best to serve everyone as fast as she could, but she just couldn’t get her mind off of the man she served earlier. He didn’t even say goodbye, Peyton thought, feeling sorry for herself. She glanced at the clock and it was already 6:23 p.m. “Getting closer till closing time.” Peyton thought, feeling excited.

After serving thirty-eight people in a row, she felt tired and wanted to rest even for a while. She was about to take a seat when he saw a man standing outside their store. She could feel the cold air outside and see how dark it was. She couldn’t get the figure of the face of the man or woman outside their shop. On the other hand, Peyton doesn’t feel any ease while resting, because she feels like the man or woman outside is staring straight at her. Again, she took a glance to the clock and saw it was already 7:22 p.m. Instead of resting and doing nothing, she decided to continue her work to satisfy more customers.

While busy working, she can feel the cold stare of the man or woman outside. She can feel his or her eyes follow her throughout the time. She tried to ignore it, but she just can’t.

The time was moving slowly as if it intentionally wants Peyton to feel uneasy.

She focused on her job and ignored the man or woman outside. She thought that maybe the person outside may be waiting for a customer to finish eating. That is the time she finally eased the worried feeling.

Finally, she looked at the clock and it was already 9:00 p.m. Closing time Peyton thought, leaving the room and going to another room wherein she can change her uniform.

After changing from her uniform, there were no more customers left, dad left the counter and on the counter, she saw a note. The note was from her father, telling her to close the shop for him because he wasn’t feeling well.

Peyton sighed but did what was told her to do. She closed the lights and double-checked if their stove was close. When she was certain that everything was in order, she turned to the door, hoping the person outside left. In disbelief, she saw the same person still standing outside. The person was still standing at the exact same spot. Doesn’t this person get tired? Peyton whispered to herself.

She was thinking to make a phone call in case this person may do something bad to her, but she realized that she could handle it on her own. She doesn’t want to sound helpless or something.

Peyton walked outside, hoping that she’ll be alright. She locked the door and walked pass the person. There was a streetlight beside their shop, she ran to it, hoping that she’ll feel safer. She was about 7 feet away when suddenly the person barked her name.

The person was a man.

Peyton asked, “Who are you? How did you know my name?”

The man stepped into the light and there he was, smiling awkwardly and you can sense the tension in his smile. The man is familiar Peyton thought.

“My name is Tyler,” Tyler managed to say, “I was your customer 3 hours ago.”

“Oh… Do you need anything?”

 “Nothing, I was just wondering if uh… I can walk you home?” Tyler finally asked.

“It’s okay. I can take care of myself.” Peyton blush a little.

“Oh… Well… Okay then…” Tyler said and sighed. “By the way, um… I got you this.” Tyler passed her the blue rose that he got from Leslie.

Peyton took the blue rose and felt guilt rush through her. “The guy just wants to walk me home.” Peyton thought, “And he waited for like more than an hour. And he knows my favorite flower. How the hell did he know that?”

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