The Start of a New Life;Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Seth feels sleepy. He’s been driving for nine hours straight. He left their house around 2 o’clock in the morning. He took few of his clothes and some cash to start over. He doesn’t know where to start, but all he can think about right now is to find a decent place to stay in.

Now, he is in Phoenix Arizona, circling around to find decent and an affordable hotel. The time right now is 11:30 a.m. He’s been looking for a hotel for thirty minutes, which means he arrived at Phoenix around 11:00 a.m.

He’s tired, so tired. He can’t think properly and can’t decide which place to stay in. Finally, he decided to stay at an apartment named ‘Vista Ventana’.

“Sounds fancy.” he thought.

Seth went inside and went to ask the landlord. The man was blonde and he looked at Seth with suspicion.

“Hello, my name is Adam Sanders.” the landlord said. “How may I help you?”

“I want to take an apartment please.” Seth said.

“How long will you stay?” Adam asked.

“Um… I really don’t know.”

“Well, are you going to stay here more than 2 months?”

“Yes, I guess.” Seth replied.

“Okay, you need to pay a one month fee plus another month in advance.”

Seth thought for a while.

“How much is your apartment again?” Seth asked.

“The apartment is $629 per month.” Adam said and added, “Plus the advance which has a total of $1258.”

“What kinds of utilities are available from the apartment?”

“Almost everything is available in that apartment.”

“Is electricity and water part of the payment?”

“Only the water is part of the payment.”

“Hmmm… Okay, let me think for a while.”

Seth computed his money mentally. I only have $1500 right now and I still need to buy some groceries later. I need a job ASAP.

“Can I get a little bit of discount because I’m a little bit short right now?” Seth said.

"Hmm... Is $1200 enough? I can’t give you any lower than that. I’m sorry.”

“That’s just what I need. Thank you!”

Seth gave his money to Adam and hoping that Adam may still lower the price, but Adam didn’t.

“So you’ll take the apartment number 13.” Adam said while giving Seth his key, “By the way, I didn’t catch your name.”

Seth suddenly thought that he must lie about his identity because his mom might’ve asked the police to search for him. Finally, he decided to change his name. He can’t think of any right name. Tyler, Tyler what? Tyler…

“My name is Tyler, Tyler Gaines.” Seth finally thought.

“Oh, well I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here Tyler.”

“I hope so too.” Tyler smiled and went to his apartment.


“It’s not so bad in here.” Tyler told himself while locking the door of his apartment.

After locking the door, he seeks for a soft pillow and a comfortable bed.

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