Almost Kissed In Front Of Peyton's Mom;Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 (STILL Thursday)

After Tyler’s heartbeat returned to its normal beating, the rain suddenly stopped. The sun was shining brightly. Tyler checked the time, and it was already 4:47 p.m. Peyton decided that she already wanted to go home. Tyler asked if she wanted to buy a phone with him and maybe buy some ice cream along the way. Peyton joyfully agreed with Tyler’s invitation.

Tyler asked Peyton if she knows any place wherein they can buy a new phone. "I need a cheap yet useful phone." Tyler added. Peyton placed her fingers on her chin and an idea came in her mind. Peyton lead Tyler to a shop that is close to his apartment and beside the shop is an ice cream truck. "Wow, that's convenient." Tyler thought.

Inside the shop were tons of gadgets. Phones, cameras, tablets, laptop and more are everywhere. As soon as they stepped inside the shop, a warm welcome was given to them. Tyler got his eyes on an iPhone4, but he reminded himself that he doesn't need an expensive phone, his money is limited. If the phone is working then it's enough.

Tyler saw two phones that seem to work just fine. Tyler chose between two phones, a Samsung ace and a Samsung champ. Samsung champ is cheaper, but Samsung ace is better. Tyler doesn't know which to choose, so he decided to let Peyton choose for him.

Peyton placed her fingers on her chin again to show that she's thinking. Peyton gave her opinion from both phones. In the end, Tyler finally chose Samsung ace. Tyler also bought a sim card and casing for his new phone.

After paying for the phone, Peyton and Tyler stepped outside the store and went to the ice cream truck and bought some ice cream. The weather was still cloudy, but not cloudy enough to prevent them from eating an ice cream. Peyton chose the vanilla flavor with sprinkles on top while Tyler chose mint flavor and some marshmallows on top. Tyler's order was served first. While waiting for Peyton's order, he brought out his money to pay for their orders. Out of nowhere, a balloon was floating up the sky which made Tyler stare at it for a while. Tyler wanted to call Peyton's attention, but she might think that Tyler is being childish so Tyler decided to stare at the balloon alone.

Time came for the flying balloon to completely vanish in the sky; Peyton tapped Tyler's shoulder and asked, "What are you looking at?" Peyton followed Tyler’s eyes before she called his attention and saw nothing but the clouds.

"A flying balloon," Tyler replied, hoping he didn't sound childish.

"Why didn't you call for my attention?” Peyton teased and pouted her lips. “I wanted to stare at the flying balloon and wait for it to completely vanish in the sky with you." Tyler stared at Peyton's green eyes. It made Tyler sorry for being selfish.

"I'm sor-rry." Tyler said with a nervous voice. "Next time I'll--"

"It's okay." Peyton cut Tyler off, "No need for you to feel sorry." Peyton looked at Tyler's eyes and continued, "Anyway, let's go?"

"Wait, I haven't paid for our ice cream yet."

"You're so occupied with the balloon aren't you?" Peyton teased.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked with a puzzled look.

"I already paid for our ice cream."

"Oh, I'm sorry! Here, let me pay you back."

"It's okay! My treat!" Peyton exclaimed.

"But I insist." Tyler took Peyton's hand and it gave Tyler goose bumps. He felt a spark was happening between their skins. Tyler placed the money in her hands, but she gave it back and took her hand away from Tyler.

"No need!" Peyton chuckled.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course,"

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