Kissing Under The Rain;Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 (Still Thursday)

After leaving Aiello’s, Tyler and Peyton went to a park called Civic Space Park. The weather was not hot; it was windy and was actually cloudy. Even if the sun will rise, there will be shades that will protect people from the heat. Trees grew everywhere. Almost every part of the park was covered with trees. The park has a unique urban design which made it look great. The park was just amazing. While walking inside the park, Peyton explained that this place opened on April 2009. Tyler thought, “Pretty and smart, a scary combination.”

Inside the awesome park, there are lots of children eating different flavors of ice creams, playing with their kites and running around. Some people were reading books while some were jogging with their dogs and were playing Frisbee. Parents were chatting about their children with other parents about the different tantrums they experience every day. Teens walking around while laughing with their friends. And of course, there are lots of couples cuddling under trees.

Peyton lead Tyler to a place with silver tables and silver chairs to show him something. As they came to a halt, they were beside a gigantic tornado-like thing. Peyton educated Tyler and said that that tornado-like thing lights up during the night.

They sat down for a while and rested.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but when am I going to start with my job?” Tyler asked, hoping she won’t look at it in a wrong way.

“You can start tomorrow!” Peyton blurted out.

“Really? That’s great.” Tyler replied. Tyler wanted to ask for Peyton’s number, but he doesn’t have any phone or paper and pen.

Tyler and Peyton continued to walk around the park while trying to get to know each other more. Tyler asked Peyton a question to make a conversation.

“So, who was the girl you were talking with at your coffee shop?”

Peyton’s eyes widened, “Which girl?” Peyton wondered.

“I think her name is Kimberly.”

“Oh, Kimberly is my best friend.” Peyton answered, rubbing her left arm with her right hand. “Did she tell anything to you?”

Tyler replied, “No, should she?”

“Of course not,” Peyton had an uneasy look in her eyes, “How did you meet her?”

“Well, first she served me a cup of coffee while waiting for you at the shop. Then I saw her name tag, hanging at her left chest.”

“Oh, of course,” Peyton smiled and looked relieved about something. “So, tell me about your high school life.” Peyton asked excitedly, trying to change the topic.

“Me?” Tyler sighed heavily. “My high school life sucks.” He looked at his shoes and looked upset.

Peyton looked Tyler with pity, “Really?”

“Naaahh…” Tyler glanced at Peyton and laughed. Peyton slightly punched Tyler’s arm. “Tell me the truth!” Peyton ordered, laughing along with Tyler.

“You want the truth? Well, I’m not a nerd, but I study a lot. I study for my family because I want them to be proud of me. I try my best in everything.” Tyler stopped walking and glanced at Peyton and said, “There’s something weird I’ve got to tell you.”

“What is it?” Peyton looked worried.

“I love…” Tyler paused and got closer to Peyton’s face, “Math.” Tyler whispered.

Peyton had poker face and suddenly burst out laughing, “That’s it? Hahaha…” Tyler laughed along.

“I love Chemistry too.” Tyler continued walking and talking, “There are times that I fail History, but I don’t know why. I study very hard for every History test we have, but I always end up getting low grades. ” Tyler paused for a while, “Like I told you a while ago, I got two best friends that I really love. They’re always there to help me and comfort me. Also, they’re there to be my partners in crime!” Tyler laughed and so did Peyton. Tyler stopped talking and thought about what to tell next, but ran out of stories. “That’s it, I guess.” Tyler finally said.

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