Things I Need;Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When Tyler left the coffee shop, he asked a man outside the coffee shop where is the nearest grocery store from ‘Vista Ventana’ and the man said, “Just go straight ahead and turn left in the first corner and you’ll see a small grocery there.” Tyler asked what time does the shop close and the man said that it will close around 6:30. Tyler thanked the man and left hurriedly before the shop closes.

At the grocery store, Tyler searched for the toiletries that he needed. He looked for the things that are not expensive, but are reliable. He bought some bar soaps, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, tissue and more.

After looking for the right things that Tyler needed, he went to the cash register to pay for his groceries. The cashier was an old woman, yet has a sweet face. She was smiling at Tyler while he was walking towards her. The woman was wearing a polka dot, pink shirt with her blue jeans.

Tyler found out that the old woman’s name was Leslie Carter. She inherited the store from his father and she explained that almost every store in this place was and will be inherited by their parents.

“Like the Fields’ Coffee Shop, Peyton will inherit it from her parents. Or the-“Leslie was interrupted by Tyler and he said, “Let me get this straight, Peyton is a Fields?”

"Yup, wait, you already met her?” Leslie asked.

“Yeah, um I was just there a few minutes ago.” Tyler explained, frowning a little.

“Is there something wrong, Tyler?”

“I was just wondering, why did she serve me some food at the coffee shop? Shouldn’t she be the head or the manager of the shop?”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Leslie replied.

“Oh, by the way, what do you know about her?” Tyler wondered, hoping for a good answer.

“Well, like you know, Peyton is a Field. She’s a very nice young girl and she se-“Leslie was interrupted again by Tyler and he asked, “What’s her interest? Like, does she like flowers, chocolates or anything?”

“Hmmm…” Leslie smile and continued, “I think someone likes Peyton!” Leslie teased. "Well, I’m actually sure about this. I think she likes blue roses.” Leslie said.

“How do you know?” Tyler wondered.

“My grandson once asked her out and bought some blue roses because my grandson says that it’s Peyton’s favorite flower. He talked about her all the time. When we meet each other, that’s all he can talk about. He can go on for 3 straight hours talking about her. I know a lot about her, so you can ask me anytime.” Leslie offered and smiled.

“Oh, thanks. That’s great! But, where am I going to get one of those blue roses?”

"Well, lucky for you, we sell blue rose!”

“Great! I want to buy a bouquet of it. How much is it?”

“Well actually we only have a blue rose, take note of the word a.”

“Hmmm… You only got one blue rose. It’s okay I guess, better than nothing.” Tyler exclaimed. “How much is it?”

“I’ll just give it for you for free.” Leslie smiled and added, “By the way, be careful with her Tyler. She rejected a LOT of men. She rejected my grandson as well.” Leslie smiled again and gave Seth the blue rose.

Tyler left the store and said goodbye to Leslie. On the way out, he felt the cold air brush through his face. It made his face sting a little bit though.

While walking to his home, he was thinking about the words that Leslie said. “By the way, be careful with her Tyler. She rejected a LOT of men. She rejected my grandson as well.”

Those words hunted him and kept on repeating on his mind.

Inside his apartment, he went to take a shower to clean himself up. He brushed his teeth and gargled with Listerine.

He opened his suitcase and took his clothes out. He was in a hurry.

Tyler chose his simple but favorite shirt and words are written in it that says “Live What You Love”. The quote is short, but it’s meaningful. He wore a slim fit jeans colored red.

Tyler looked at the antique clock and it says 6:49 p.m.

Tyler took a last look from the mirror and was satisfied at last.


I'm so sorry that it's kinda short... I hope you still liked it though.. :)

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Beside this story is an image of Channing Tatum. He will be playing as James Owens.. 

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