Peyton's POV (Part1);Chapter 15

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Peyton was left alone in her room when Kimberly left. While sitting alone on her comfy bed, she heard Kimberly saying goodbye and thanks for the dinner to her parents.

Peyton took a bath and changed to her pajamas. She went to bed to finally get some rest. Peyton closed her eyes and said her prayers.

After praying, she was finally ready for sleep.

Peyton rested her head and relaxed herself. She curled up in her bed and tried to fall asleep. Peyton was turning from left to right in her bed every minute. Finally, Peyton gave up and came to think about her plan with Tyler.

At first, I never really planned on using someone to make Ryan jealous. In fact, my love for him was actually starting to be buried and forgotten. It was Tyler who gave me the idea, the idea to make Ryan jealous. The first night we met outside our coffee shop didn’t give me that idea yet. It was when he asked me if he can walk me home. I’ve always dreamed of walking home with someone special, someone like Ryan Carter. Ryan Carter’s family owns the biggest factory here in Phoenix! Ryan has a super duper rich family and has a reputation to keep. Ryan is perfect and amazing. He has brown hair which is so beautiful and perfect for him, he has a healthy body, he also has perfect teeth and a perfect smile, and the best of him is his breathtaking and playful blue eyes. Peyton felt butterflies even if she’s just thinking about him.

Peyton sighed and remembered her past relationship with Ryan.

Back in the old days, Ryan and I used to play a lot. We were friends since we were seven-years old. We used to play at the park and eat ice creams together. I miss those times when we will play under the rain and run around the mud. We also went to school together. When I was twelve-years old, I look a lot like a nerd because I wear glasses while Ryan was cute and smart. At school, there are tons of bullies walking around the corridor. I used to be scared all the time. One time, Tom, a bully and a year older than I and Ryan are met my eyes and he approached me.

Every step he took made my heart beat faster because we never talked before. I was scared that he’ll hit me or do something bad. He was about three feet away from me when he told me how nerdy I look. People around us started to laugh and point at me. A tear started to fall down my cheek when Ryan came out of nowhere and punched Tom in the face.

Tom didn’t fight back. He was forced by Ryan to say sorry to me and ran after doing so. I felt sorry for Tom, but I felt sorrier for Ryan because he got a lot of trouble by protecting me. He was called into the principal’s office and got two weeks of detention.

As soon as Ryan’s fist punched Tom’s ugly face, I felt like Ryan was my hero. I knew that he will always be there for me, to protect me and comfort me when I need him the most. I knew that he will always be there to sacrifice things for me. In short, he was my brave knight, my handsome prince, and my perfect husband.

I knew that someday, I’ve got to repay him for all the good things he had done for me. That’s why I’m ready to give my heart for him. It’s not that I don’t have anything else to give, but it’s because I truly love him with all my heart.

Every summer, Ryan’s father, Tony Carter will take him to a fishing trip. Uncle Tony will also bring some of his friends and his friends will bring their children along. And the first time that my parents and I went with them was when I was thirteen.

I still remember the trip as if it was only yesterday. The fishing trip lasted for a week. Within that week, I fell in love with Ryan more deeply, even if I was only thirteen.

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