Life in a Glass;Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Seth ran out of his room and went directly to their garden. He was hoping that his mom didn’t notice that he was late and wasn’t able to entertain the guests.

When he reached their garden, he felt the cold air brushed through his face. The moon was beautiful; it was full-moon and glistening bright. The stars were shining brightly above the sky. Their garden was covered with a collapsible shelter, in case of rain. There were few visitors when he came down from his room. There was the father's side, the Owens. From the mother's side, the Grey.

You must be wondering where Mr. Owens is, don’t you? Well, he passed away about 3 years ago from a lung cancer because Mr. Owens loved smoking cigarette all day. There are times where it makes Seth depressed because he misses his father. But his mom and himself stay strong and they don’t show any weakness about such topic. That’s what the Owens were good at, hiding their feeling and pretending to be okay.

Then he realized that there were still some other visitors that were not yet around. He thought, “Good.” He ceased the thought of getting busted for not doing his job.

He took a cup of lemonade from the server and drank the whole thing nonstop. Suddenly, someone tapped his shoulders and said, “You’re late!” and when he turned to look who it was, it was Mrs. Owens.

Mrs. Owens looks really upset for Seth being late. Seth quickly replied, “I’m sorry. I was taking a good look of myself and I was thinking about some things and I didn’t rea--” Mrs. Owens didn’t let him finish and said, “Okay okay. Just please entertain the visitors right now. I need you to not bore them. Can you do that for me?”


"Okay, good. I trust you.”

Seth quickly went to the entrance to welcome their guests. A lot of people are late because they think that being late is a good thing since they can make a grand entrance and make other guests look at them while they walk around to search for their seats. While waiting for some more people to come, a car stopped in front of Seth and a stunning girl came out of the car and said hello to Seth.

Hailey wore the cocktail dress that she was talking about. Her dress fits her body perfectly, the simplicity of it made her look like a goddess.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a friend’s perspective. Seth thought.

Seth hesitated and waved his hand absentmindedly to respond at Hailey’s hello.

Seth finally came back to senses and responded by saying, “Oh, hey.”

Hailey felt weird with Seth for a while, but managed to forget about it.

Hailey walked closer to Seth and said, “Wow, you look good with that tux. Who bought it for you?” Hailey stated with playful eyes and added, “Just kidding, you look so serious. Are you okay?”

“Um, of course I am.” Seth smiled.

“Mm-hmm…” She knew something wasn’t right.

“You look fantastic by the way.” Seth commented trying to change the subject.

"Really? Why thank you.”

“You’re welcome, so where’s Ethan?”

“He told me that he’s on the way. Maybe five more minutes and he’ll be here.”

“I’m pretty sure he’ll arrive some time after five minutes.”

“Yeah, he’s late all the time.” Hailey commented.

“You know, I want to tell you something, something real, no joke. But you can’t tell it to anyone else. Okay?” Seth said honestly.

“Sure, what is it?” Hailey wondered increasing the tension in the air.

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