Chapter Thirteen ❤

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The next morning I found myself in the muscular arms of the person who loves me the most. His arms wrapped around me pulled me closer, as if I were his last chance of living and he couldn’t bear to spare that. So, I didn’t even fight, I too snuggled up to him and buried my face in his chest. Occasionally, I took a few glances at him. We only had today as a break and tomorrow was again an event evening for both of us. I could sense all the tiredness in his body, even though he didn’t want to show it.

I took my hand out and brushed his tousled hair with my fingers, when I had a  thought creeping in my head. I remembered the day when I kissed Ryle, outside BIB and he saw me. ‘Why did I choose to marry that red flag? Was I always that blind?’

“What are you looking at Mrs. Corrigon ?”

I was startled by his raw voice snapping me out of trail of my thoughts.

“Umm, nothing”. I lied as I brought my eyes down to my hands, he knew I was lying so he softly lifted my chin with his thumb till our eyes met, and he spoke once again in the raw voice but this time it was more comforting and reassuring than ever.

“Please let me know, so I could help you out with it, Mrs. Corrigon”.

“Why did you love me again ? I mean how did you continue to love me, even when I went on to marry someone else in front of you. You could have moved on either, but you didn’t HOW ?” I didn’t realise that my cheeks were wet of tears by now until Atlas used his one hand to hold me and another to rub my tears.

“See, Mrs. Corrigon first of you are not going to cry, my heart can’t take it. And the second, actually the answer to your question is, Lily I simply held you in my heart, until I could hold you you in my arms”. 

I didn’t realise, I started crying again at his response, but honestly those tears weren’t of sadness, not even a bit. Those were just because I was so overwhelmed with the emotions that I couldn’t help myself to think let alone speaking. By this time, we both wer e sitting on the bed with my head buried under his arms and his hands rubbing my back. 

“Come on, let’s go to shower now. Anyways, Em’s dad will be here for picking her up. Right ?”

“Right, but come on! Let’s stay like this only for a little longer. And it’s very early to get up.” I spoke sniffly with a red nose. “Atlas ?”

“Yes, love.”

“You called me Lily today.”

“Yes, isn’t that your name, Mrs. Corrigon ?” He spoke caressing the hair out of my face and cupping my face with his hands.

“It is Mr. Corrigon. But this is not how you address me. You call me by Mrs. Corrigon.”

“I think you’ve been obsessed with this new name.” But Atlas knew he was fighting for a lost fight, lost when they were just teenagers. And the rest was spoken by my questioning look.

“Okay fine, because I can’t see you crying.”

“Okay.” I said with a soft smile crossing my legs to sit up straight.

“I did so, for I never fell in love with Mrs. Corrigon. I had been in love with Lily. That girl that made her her. I held that sweet and caring and selfless girl’s spirit in my hear for as long as I could and firmly believed that a miracle would happen one day. And see, it DID !!”

He gestured at us, lifted my left hand where I always had my engagement ring and wedding band on my ring finger and kissed those rings. I gazed those blue eyes, the one I fell for even before I knew I had been in love with him and I simply said 

“I love you so much, I always have” and hugged him again for the last time.

“I love you more Lily” he spoke as he peppered me with kisses on my head till I fell asleep and took a small nap.


“Mimi, please make me wear my favourite blue dress, daddy said he will also wear same colour. We both will do matchy - matchy today.”

“As you like it, sweetheart” I smiled at Emmy completely ignoring her mention of her father. “Now, c’mon let me do your hair quickly. Auntie Issa called to inform that your father had left her place”. 

I felt so sorry for Alyssa, that I almost had my eyes moist. She couldn’t even get to enjoy her special moments with Marshall because of me and her brother.

Soon, my thoughts were blown away with a sound of doorbell. Rylee was at the doorstep and behind her the view was covered by a man awkwardly standing on the porch. 

I opened the door with a smile on my face, while Emmy wore her ballerina shoes and ran to pick her basket of cookies, which she had made with Atlas giving him a pouty face, her signature expression of when she wanted to get things her way. And Atlas could never resist her expression. As I opened the door, Rylee ran into my arms, and I too knelt down to give her some kisses till Emmy made her way. I suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring, I looked up and found Ryle gazing at me. He gave me a little smile and greeted, “Good Morning Lily. How are you doing ?”

To which, I slightly nodded while avoiding the last part or his question. 

“Just make sure, the girls do not have a lot of sugar and here’s the bag of some clothes and other necessities as Alyssa said that she wanted the girls to sleepover tonight at her place.”

He simply nodded and mumbled “Okay.”

A/n :-
Dear Readers,
I hope you all enjoyed it... And yeahhh.. I'm so in a mood to change the book cover so, please please please gimme some ideas for that...
And till let me know your views on this one and show your support and love by voting and commenting...
Adios!!! (well it's here cuz I'm currently reading The Spanish Love Deception and i too should learn a lil espanol )
Anyways, Love you...
Dri 💗

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