Chapter Sixteen ❤

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At home :-…

(This part of story is switched to Atlas Corrigon’s pov)

After a while of browsing on what to watch, I finally played the movie Tangled. I knew Emerson hadn’t seen that movie. So, I thought it would be a great time to catch-up with her. But in the beginning scene only, where the Royal couple looks at their daughter in her cot with so much adoration, I saw Em staring the scene as if she too was holding the tears back. I decided to pause the movie and turned towards her on the couch, to make sure if she was okay.

“Hey Em, you okay ?”

“Yes” she spoke softly with a light sniff thinking I didn’t hear it.

“Em, come on look at me. Are you okay ?”

As soon as her gaze met mine, all the tears she was holding were there again. She sniffed and sobbed.

“Hey, come here” I spoke as I moved forward towards her and picked her up, placing her in my lap. And she quickly hugged me, I rubbed her back lightly in circles as she tried to calm herself down.

As she calmed down, I asked her simply in two words, “What happened ?” completely unaware of the question that she would ask.

“Why did she left dad, Nemo ? Why would mimi do that ?” I knew this conversation was due since the day Lily and I started seeing each other but I didn’t think it would be now. Before I could even begin, she shot another question, “All of my friends, even Rylee lives with both her parents. Then why don’t I ? Why did Mimi only think of herself when she parted with daddy.” She seemed so adamant with her questions that I knew any of my answers would be nothing. Still, I tried to get the whole story once, and after much coaxing she narrated the whole ice cream story that happened. After listening to all of it, I got up and went to my room, picking up a piece of paper I sat back on the couch and looked at it once again before speaking.

“See, one thing you’ll never tell Mimi that I know about this paper” and she simply nodded. And I continued “And second, don’t ever say that Lily thought only of herself. Okay?” I finished and handed her the paper.

After reading that paper, she stared my face blankly, unable to distinguish between who is her father actually. She now had read all the reasons why her Lily wanted a divorce. I took the paper back from her hand and started again. 

“Em, Lily never even in her dreams thought only of her. She wanted to go away from your father because she never wanted you to grow up the way she did. She never wanted you to see her the way she saw her mother. She is the most precious person I have in my life and she in her whole life cared the most only for two people, the first was me in her teenage and then the second one was you in her adulthood. It was always us she’s ever cared about. You and me.”

This day was most emotional, and as I finished finally, Emerson was hugging me again and she was much more relaxed now. To change the topic and to lighten up the mood, I decided to break the silence, “Now, why don’t we call Mimi to check why she ain’t home by now. She should have been here half an hour ago probably.”

(Back to Lily's Pov)

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t pay any attention to time, till my phone went off. I saw the caller ID read ‘Ocean Blue Eyed 💕🌊💙’, I tried to plaster my face with a smile as I picked up the call as if he was going to look at me through the phone.

“Hey Mrs. Corrigon! Everything ‘kay ?” He asked and his cheery voice made me smile, the most genuine and real smile since the morning.

“Yeah, why what happened ? Is everything alright there”

“Yup, don’t worry about it. It’s fine. I just called to check on you, you told me, you’d be here by 4:00 and you see, it’s close to 4:40.”

“Oh umm, yeah, I did. I umm, lost the track of time. I am just heading out. Will there be soon. Love yaa.” I hurried out of the office to go back after washing my face and making sure my face isn’t red or puffy. 

Then again my phone pinged except this it time the caller id read differently. I tried not to overthink and picked it up right away, “Hey Mrs. Bride. Ready for the After wedding party ?” I tried to sound as cheery as I could.

“Uh- Lily, actually I think We need to talk.”

“Oh-Kay, is everything alright Alyssa ?”

“Actually, after Marshall left today to drop Emmy, Rylee talked to me, about something that happened yesterday. At the ice cream place”.

“Really, ‘cause Emma didn’t say anything.” I reverted quickly picking up my keys and purse to rush out to my car.

“Umm, she will not either, anytime soon.”

“What do you mean?” I asked her in confusion 

And then what she spoke left me completely awestruck as a reel of my father’s doings along with that of Ryle played right in front of my eyes as a held the steering wheel in my hands. However, I composed myself back as quickly as possible and headed back to home.

A/n :-

Hey readers,, I'm sorry for being MIA for the last few weeks about Saazishein but yeah, today you'll get the intro to it... Please show your love and support for that too... The way you showed up for It was always us. 

And surely don't forget to comment and let me know your views on this one and please please do vote on this part. 

See you next time, Till then.. Alvida!! 

(Alvida - goodbye in hindi)


Dri 💗

IT WAS ALWAYS US 💖Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ