Chapter Fifteen ❤

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(Back to Lily's pov)

I walked towards the door behind Emmy and waited for her to open the door as Atlas had come back from The Corrigon’s so that, I could go to check the flower deliveries for the day and then head back to get ready for the party.

As soon as Emmy opened the door, he knelt down to hug her.

“Hey, you’re back ! I missed my adorable sous chef a lot for breakfast today” he spoke as pressed a little kiss against her forehead and then picked her up in his arms. Then he leant forward, giving me a side hug and pulling me into a soft kiss.

I tried my hard, not to breakdown and pasted the best fake smile I could and helped him get freshen up, and then I told him I was leaving for store.

(I didn’t even have the energy to talk to him, I just couldn’t. After knowing what I had been hiding from him. First, the hint that Issa gave me, and then the morning’s incident). 

So, I rushed out, as soon as both Atlas and Emma made themselves comfortable on the couch to watch TV for a while.

As soon as I reached the store, I headed straight into my office only to be interrupted by Mindy. “Good morning madam, the paintings of madam Alyssa’s wedding are ready and I have prepared the background of canvas for today’s event. Actually I was wondering if we could do the painting of the couple’s dance together” she continued to ramble getting lost in her thoughts. While I nodded throughout only to reply with, “Okay, it’s all fine. Alyssa said she”ll swing by tomorrow or probably day after to check out both the paintings” and started walking to my cabin. As soon as I kept my hand on the door knob, I turned around, “And, umm-.. Min ?”

“Yes ma’am ?”

“Just make sure no one disturbs me today.”

I headed to my seat, after making sure I locked the door and all my tears kept rushing out, all the sobs I suppressed since morning, made their way down so suddenly. I didn’t know what to do, what to talk let alone to whom.  

Flashback :-

The same morning, after Atlas  had left and before Emmy came, the bell rang.

“It must be Em!!” I mumbled, thinking of how she cries when anyone else but Atlas calls her that. I rushed to the door, in my apron, as I watched over the cookies, Atlas placed in the oven before heading out, for the bouquet of cookies to be taken in the evening along with the rest of gifts.

Without even giving a second thought to checking from the keyhole, I swung open the door hoping to see my cute little girl twirling around with probably gifts from her dad with a high voltage grin on her face. However, to my surprise the frame is covered by a man stumbling down, a rushed to help him in a reflex reaction but backed off with the speed of lightning as I saw him raise his head to meet my gaze.

“Mr. Kincaid, how come you are here at my home at this hour in the morning.” I spoke with nothing but coldness in my heart and voice.

“Lily how come you are still so angry at me. You know, how much I loved you. And I still do. Won’t you invite me in, instead.” Saying that he stepped more, closing the gap between and tried to place his hand on my face to cup it in an inappropriate manner.

As a reflex, I stepped back again. “Oh my god, you are stoned. Please leave.”

“Hey, why are you saying like that. You know how much I- I love you and our - our daughter.” He stuttered and stumbled again as to cover the distance.

“Ryle, please leave. You are high right now.”

“See how good it feels to hear my name in your voice again” he spoke brightly, bringing his thumb to my lips. As a result, I slapped him.

I thought he would step back after that and this pervert like behaviour of him would stop, but to my surprise. His eyes narrowed and told another story. His face went from happy to shocked to outrageous in a matter of seconds as he placed his hand to the spot where I had slapped him. And now, he charged up to me again, he pinned me to the wall on the side of door frame and placed his arms around my shoulders on both sides, and spoke like a monster. The same way, he did on the night he bit me and tried to assault me. “You bitch, I came here to pacify you, to give you another chance to get back. But you,..” he faltered at his words, but continued.

“I will show you, you filthy little woman the value of this slap. What are you proud of, that homeless chap or my daughter. I am telling you again, she is my DAUGHTER. And this time, let me tell you I have come back to take her from here, for EVER.” He banged his left hand as a fist on the wall as I watched him with wide eyes, flabbergasted at the person he had become. Alyssa told me, that he had changed after the divorce, but I assumed that in a positive sense hoping the best for him. But here he was, as a monster he’d always been.

Past ends!!…

A/n :-
Hey readers,
Hope you liked this part of the story..
Please do let me know your views on this one and show your love and support by voting and commenting on this part.
Also, I just re-read TFIOS, and i need some suggestions on which one to start now...
The Love Hypothesis or The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo
So comment your answer too!!
Anyway, see ya next week...
Dri 💗

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