Chapter 1

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Today was supposed to be like any other day. A calm and rational day spent keeping to himself and staying quiet. This year was just supposed to be another boring year of highschool. Filled to the brim with overwhelming tests and exams and stupid drama and "she said"s and "he said"s or "they said"s. When did it all go downhill? What did Tenko not foresee? Why was he in an ambulance? Why was he crying? Where did this all go wrong?

Let's rewind a bit, shall we?
"Tenko get up already!"

The ravenette groaned lowly as he shifted the blankets further over his head. He didn't want to; the blankets were too warm and his bed had him sucked into its tight embrace. He couldn't bring himself to leave it there without anyone to hold.

"Go away, Hana." Tenko grumbled groggily as he curled up, trying to doze off again.

A weight suddenly hit his head, causing him to bolt up. His raven haired sister pouted at him, her fists firmly placed onto her hips. Her eyes scowled at him as his eyes landed on the weapon that had rudely awakened him again. A pillow.

"You are not going to be late today." Hana scoffed, her arms folding over her chest. Now that he was more awake, Tenko had noticed that she was dressed up.

"...late for...what?" Tenko yawned into his hand.

The other ravenette twin groaned loudly, almost whining. "Don't tell me you actually forgot!"

Tenko tilted his head. He just wanted to go back to sleep. The sun wasn't even up yet! Why did his sister have to wake him up and then immediately scold him for not knowing what was going on? After not getting an answer, Hana scowled at him.

"It's the first day of school, you dummy."

All of a sudden, Tenko was wide awake. He scrambled off his bed–his sister's laughing was not helping his panic–and snatched his phone off the bed. 5:45 a.m.

"Dammit Hana, why didn't you wake me up sooner?" he groaned as he bolted up and raced to the closet. Granted school didn't start until 7:30; Tenko always had a tendency of sleeping through important things. Hence this situation.

"I tried!" his sister hollered back at him as he dug through his clothes. "You ignored me the first time and I tried again ten minutes later. Boy you are lazy."

"Just because I actually sleep at night unlike you little owl-shit," he poked his head out of the two's shared walk-in closet and glowered at her, "doesn't make me lazy."

Hana stuck her tongue out. "It's called insomnia."


Tenko tucked himself back into the closet. He slipped into his outfit; a graphic T-shirt with a simple black jacket and black ripped skinny jeans with a holed black belt. He chose a few chains to wear along with a choker. He examined himself in the mirror. Damn, these jeans make my ass look good! Tenko laughed softly at himself before he hurried out of the closet.

Hana was in the bathroom when he came out. He stepped in and she, as if she read his mind, offered him the container of concealer. Tenko grumbled a soft 'thanks' as he stood beside her. He didn't typically go crazy with his makeup like his sister did, just some concealer over scratched up places and a bit of eyeliner. Maybe a nude lipstick or a bit of gloss. It was school, who was he trying to impress?

After touching up his face and flicking his wing, Tenko handed Hana the liner back and went to slip on his combat boots.

"Is Mama up yet?" Tenko asked as he zipped up his left shoe and then moved to his right.

Hana hummed as she applied a soft shade of pink to her eyelid. "Yeah. She made breakfast, though I was tempted to tell her not to make you any. Y'know, since you were taking forever to–"

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