Chapter 16

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Friday came and went faster than Tenko had originally thought. He tried to keep his mind off the party, but as the time drew nearer, it was all Tenko could think about. All he could think about on his walk home with his sister, all he could think about trudging up the stairs to his room. He hated it. He wanted it out of his head.

When he entered his room, he flopped down onto his neatly made bed with an exhausted groan. He started to believe that he actually didn't want to go. Maybe offering Kai to come along was a horrible mistake?

Then again, Kai was his friend. Toya couldn't decide who Tenko was friends with. He said so himself! And, if Toya invited his friends, why couldn't Tenko? Besides, it was just one person. What could be the harm?

Everything. Everything could be a harm.

Tenko sighed and maneuvered his hand to his pocket. He figured that all he could do now was doom scroll on Instagram until 6:00 rolled around. He expected his sister to come in and force him to get ready around 5:00. Much earlier than he had wanted, but they also had to manage to get Toya's address. Maybe getting ready earlier wasn't such an awful idea.

The hours seemed to fly right by and, before he knew it, there was a knocking at his door. Tenko looked over as Hana pushed the door open and turned to him.

"Why are you laying in bed?" She asked dramatically. "Why aren't you dressed?"

Tenko clicked his phone off and sat up with yet another exhausted sigh. "Sorry. I thought this would be fine to wear."

"Wrong!" Hana huffed as she stomped over to him. "This is okay for school, but a party? Come on now, Tenko! Do I have to hold your hand for everything?"

Before he could respond, Hana sighed heavily and made her way to his closet. Tenko peered over at her, watching as she swiped through his clothes rapidly. She herself was wearing a simple tight, black dress with pearls decorating her neck. Her hair was thrown up into a messy ponytail held up with a claw-clip. She looked good for a party. Almost as if she were going on a first date or something.

"What are we going to tell Mom?" Tenko asked as his sister picked out a black button-up, wrinkled her nose at it, and stuffed it back.

"I already talked to her." She hummed, "Said we were going with Himiko for dinner and a movie and probably won't be back until late tonight. She said it was fine."

Tenko stared at her. "How...often do you lie to Mom?"

Hana looked over her shoulder with a blank face. That was enough of an answer for Tenko: too much. Hana turned back to the closet and pulled out a white button-up. She smiled and tossed it to Tenko, clicking the hanger back onto the rack.

"Put that on." She ordered. "And these too."

A pair of tight, black jeans were thrown his way. He looked at both items dubiously. Hana didn't seem to catch the stare as she moved on to look for a pair of shoes.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked. "The party I mean."

Hana turned her head over her shoulder. "When have I never been sure about something?"

Tenko gave her a scowled look.

"Okay, fine!" Hana huffed. "Be like that. But remember, you were the one invited. If you don't go, think about how Toya would feel."

Tenko looked down at the pieces of clothing in his lap. He heard the soft thump of falling shoes in front of him and heeled footsteps heading for the door. He didn't want Toya to be upset, but what would happen if Kai showed up? Would there be a fight? Maybe he was just overreacting? Hopefully he was.

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