Chapter 5

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"Okay...slow down. I'm confused."

It was lunch time now. The day had dragged on, as it usually had, but Tenko didn't seem to notice the drag. Most of his day consisted of watching Toya. Not in a creepy way–well, he didn't think it was creepy–but in a sort of observatory type of way. He wanted to try and find hints that would, hopefully, tell him what had happened to his face. So far nothing. All Toya had done all day was talk to Keigo, Mirko, or Hana. It was like Tenko didn't exist anymore.

Hana said not to worry about the bruise. "Maybe he tripped and fell!" she said. Yeah, but that close to his eye? I don't think so. He knew better than to argue with Hana, so he ignored her and tried to continue on with his investigation. Now, he was talking to his group about it. Well, mainly Sako, but everyone else had to butt in. As usual.

"I don't think that black eye was from a fight." Tenko explained, yet again. "There's just something about it that...doesn't seem right. I can't put my finger on it, but who in the hell would get into a fight on the second day of school."

"A lot of people." Iguchi murmured while munching on a french fry.

"Not talking to you." Tenko snapped back.

"Well...he did just place himself amongst you and Hana." Magne chimed in. "People could be jealous, y'know? Gang up on him and stuff."

Tenko gave a groan. He hated that she had a point and he hated that, if she was right, his popularity was getting someone hurt. And for what reason? Because Hana liked him and he was kind of a chill person to hang out with? So what! If people would grow a pair like he had, maybe they'd have more friends rather than nasty perverts and freaks following them around like gods.

"Plus, he seems like a 'bad  boy,'" Toga pointed out. "Maybe they don't want him...staining your clean slates? I dunno, just throwing ideas out there."

"Well, kindly, don't." Tenko grumbled to her.

The blonde gave a small pout as she went back to poking at her food. Hana seated herself beside Tenko a few moments later, setting her tray in front of her. Tenko's eyes glanced beside her but, to his surprise, Toya wasn't there.

"Where's our 'Pretty Boy'?" Tenko questioned his twin.

Hana gave him a curious, almost dumbfounded look, before realization hit her. "Oh! Toya said he wasn't hungry, so he won't be joining us today. Why?"

"No reason." Tenko shrugged lazily as he stood up. "Y'know where he went?"

"Either library or the courtyard...are you feeling okay, Ten?" Hana asked curiously.

Tenko just gave a dismissive hum in response before making his way to the exit. He had to find Toya. He had to know what had happened to him. Who he had fought and why? What was their motive? The questions were buzzing around his head like moths to a flame as he hurried down the hallways and through the commons. The library was near the front of the school, so it was quite the walk. A pointless walk because, when Tenko arrived, he found no sign of the albino anywhere.

His next hope, and silent prayer, was that Toya was in the courtyard outside. Again, the courtyard was a good walking distance from the library. Tenko had a feeling that the bell would end up ringing soon, which would only flood the halls and make it impossible to go outside due to the security stationed around the doors. He just had to hope and pray that that wouldn't happen.

Finally, Tenko made it to the door without the bell ringing. He slipped outside without being noticed and, for a moment, took a deep breath for himself. His nerves were still tense, but the silence and fresh air somewhat helped. As Tenko stood by the door, he noticed a weird smell coming from the distance. His curiosity got the best of him. His feet began to move on their own, dragging him closer and closer to the smell. It only grew stronger and stronger. The stronger it got, the sooner Tenko realized what it was. Someone's smoking? First of all; ew. Second of all; how the hell? With this school's security? Truly a fucking genius!

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