Chapter 10

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The next day was pretty damn hectic. It was just one of those days. First, Tenko woke up late. Again. Then he ran out of concealer and had to borrow Hana's. It wasn't like they had much of a different skin color, right? Except he always forgot how deathly pale he was all the time and now his face was just slightly darker than the rest of his body.

By the time he and Hana finally arrived at the school, Tenko wanted nothing more than to go home and curl back up into bed. Everything this morning had been so damn shitty. How could it get worse? He gave an exhausted sigh as he wandered over to where he and his group met up every morning. To his surprise, he was the only one there. Odd.

While he waited for the others his eyes scanned the courtyard. Maybe, if he could find the energy, he could find Toya and Kai and talk to them while he waited. He managed to spot Keigo, Mirko, and Hana as well as some other kids here and there but no Toya or Kai. Tenko was a little disappointed. Maybe he just isn't here yet. He reasoned with himself. To kill time, he wandered over to his sister.

The female ravenette giggled at something the blonde said, who wore a proud smirk. Something twitched inside Tenko's soul. Who does this fucker think he is?

"What's so funny?" Tenko asked as he stopped beside his sister, resting an elbow on her shoulder. His navy eyes scanned Keigo up and down, giving him a look of disgust. The disgust was almost mocked perfectly by the blonde but it was all hidden in his eyes.

"Oh! Keigo was telling me a story at his work!" Hana responded innocently. She looked at her brother. "You've met Keigo before, haven't you?"

Tenko looked at her. Well no. He would have responded but he quickly nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. He's one of Toya's friends."

"Oh." Hana stared at him before looking at Keigo. "Where is Toya anyways?"

Good question.

Keigo gave a shrug. "I dunno. Maybe he's late this morning?" He questioned.

So much of an answer from his supposed best friend. Tenko mentally, and almost physically, rolled his eyes. Then again, he didn't know why he was so jealous. He was friends with Toya as well. Why did it matter that this blonde bimbo was also Toya's friend? For now, Tenko decided to ignore this burning feeling in the pit of his stomach. Hopefully that would make it stop.

"Well have you heard from him?" Tenko asked impatiently. "I'd rather talk to him than try talking to you with the risk of losing braincells."

Hana glared at him and slapped the back of his head. Tenko hissed through his teeth, narrowing his eyes back at her.

"What? I'm speaking my mind! Which, in fact, you tell me to do all the time." He wrinkled his nose at her, folding his arms as he pouted.

"Well you don't have to vocalize something that disgusts you!" She snapped back. Her attention then turned to Keigo. "I'm so sorry. He doesn't know how to shut his mouth." Hana sent him another glare.

Keigo gave a small shrug. "It's fine. I'm used to it; worse things have been said about me."

Hana's eyes softened. "Oh...I truly am sorry."

"I said it's fine!" Keigo chuckled. "Thank you for being concerned."

Hana smiled at him and nodded. Their conversation wanted to make Tenko hurl. It was so sweet and yet slightly awkward at the same time; too weird and mixed up for him.

His eyes shifted around the growing crowd of student again. It made his skin crawl with how, in the matter of seconds, there seemed to be 2x the amount of kids as before. It twisted his gut for sure.

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