Chapter 11

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As the day progressed, everything just seemed...long. Lonely even. First period wasn't too bad; Tenko had managed to talk more to Kai during their work-time. Though it was always a brief conversation. Be it asking about the assignment and if he knew how to do it, which was often answered with a "yes" and he continued working.

He wished he could have someone to talk to. Well, besides the people that talk to him. He wanted a friend to talk to. He wanted Toya.

While the class worked on the assignment, Tenko sent Toya a text. It wasn't anything big, just a simple "Hey, you weren't at school today. Are you feeling okay?" He then stuffed his phone away.

However, throughout the day, Tenko found himself going back to his messages. He kept checking the text to Toya. Maybe he had messaged the wrong number? Maybe that was why he was getting a response? Surely he wasn't being ignored. Toya was fine! At least, that's what he told himself.

Their lunch period soon rolled around. Hana had noticed her brother's silence throughout the period and began growing concerned. As they were packing up to leave, she came over.

"Hey." She placed a hand on his shoulder to snap him from his thoughts. "Are you feeling okay? You've been quiet all day. Do you want me to call Mom?"

Tenko turned his head to his sister. He shook his head softly and returned to shoving items into his backpack.

"I'm fine." He sighed.

Hana gave him a small pout. She adjusted the strap on her shoulder as she eyed him up and down.

"Tenko. You're obviously not fine. What's wrong?" Hana pestered.

Tenko straightened up. His eyes shifted to his sister slowly, scanning her face and posture as her voice played in his head. Almost as if he were trying to pick out the lies in her tone.

"I am fine." He said again. "Nothing is wrong. I'm just...tired."

Hana tipped her head at him. "Well it certainly looks that way. You sure you don't want me to call Mom?"

Tenko fell silent. If I go home, maybe Toya will be more likely to answer me. But then Mom will have to get out of work early and I hate having her do that. The raven haired boy sighed heavily before turning back to his backpack.

"Do what you want, Hana." Tenko looked at her.

His sister gave him a soft look. "Okay."

Together, the two left the room. Tenko could see Hana texting away on her phone; he figured that she was already messaging their mother. Honestly, he didn't care anymore. Yes he was tired, but that damn albino had been on his mind all day. He was worried about him. It was going on 12:30 in the afternoon and he still never got a text back. At first he had blamed the silence on him sleeping, but who the hell sleeps until past 12?!

By the time they reached the cafeteria, Tenko really wanted to leave. It was loud as hell—louder than usual—and seemed overly crowded. The ravenette shifted closer towards his sister, seeking her comforting aura.

Hana looked at him. She gave him a sad smile and rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Go find Himiko and the others." She said to him. "I'll meet up with you guys there. Okay?"

"Okay." Tenko whispered back to her.

The second she left him, he felt like the floor was sucking him in. His fingers fidgeted with themselves as he slowly proceeded through the crowd of uproaring students. He did get a few glances at the kids and some of his glances were met with eyes watching him. He felt like prey.

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