Chapter 12

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Hana returned a while later. She set her tray down on Tenko's right before taking the spot as well. Her attention immediately turned to him, her hand guiding itself up his back in a comforting motion.

"Mom will be here soon." She whispered to him.

Tenko hardened his gaze at her. "I told you that  you didn't have to call her."

"Well I did anyways." Hana gave a heavy sigh. "You've been zoning out all day. Plus you look exhausted."

Tenko opened his mouth to argue but couldn't find the strength to. He just trapped his mouth shut and pulled out his phone again.

Nothing. He thought disappointedly as he stared at the blank Lock Screen. He couldn't wrap his head around it. What happened to Toya? Why wasn't he at school? Why wouldn't he answer him? Did he not want to be friends or something? Did he give him a fake number?

Tenko shook the thoughts from his head. He took a deep breath to collect himself before stuffing his phone away again. He then turned his focus onto Kai instead.

"Will you be okay working on the project alone?" Tenko asked, his fingers tracing the seems of his jeans.

Kai turned to him. "Uhm, yeah? Won't that Toya guy be there to help?"

Tenko shook his head. "Toya's not here today. I'm going to be leaving soon as well."

Kai's face twisted into a grimace. Tenko immediately regretted telling him. The nasty look on his face made Tenko do a double-take, looking down at his lap.

"Sorry." He murmured.

Kai took a heavy breath and shook his head. "No. It's alright. You can't help that he isn't here. I'll be alright on my own today."

Tenko glanced at him before nodding. "I promise, I'll be here to help tomorrow. I'll also try and work on it a little bit at home; maybe I'll talk Toya into doing so as well."

If he'll ever answer me. His mind added bitterly.

Kai gave a nod. That was the end of that conversation. Slowly, the table began to fill with voices, starting with Jin and Toga and then Magne and Iguchi. Pretty soon, everyone found themselves in their own kind of conversation.

Tenko did his best to socialize as well, but he found himself drawn to his phone every five minutes. He'd stay at the blank screen as if he expected some miracle to grace its surface. Yet nothing happened. The only thing that popped up would be YouTube notifications or a text from his mother claiming she was five minutes away. That made him feel a little better.

He wanted to go home. He wanted to clear his head of worries over that stupid boy. Over stupid boys period. It wasn't just Toya, it was Kai too. His stupid chestnut hair and stern hazel eyes. The way he looked so professional, even though he sense of style could use some help. He was smart and that's what Tenko liked about him.

But then there was Toya, who had him staring at his phone. Waiting for a silly little text message back. The albino had Tenko like a bait on a hook. He hated it but, miraculously, he also didn't mind it much. They were friends. This was what friends did, right? They worried about one another like he worried for Toya.

Now that he thought about it, it felt a little one sided.

A sudden tapping on his shoulder drew him from his thoughts. He looked over swiftly only to give a relieved sigh when he saw Ms. Kyumi, his art teacher. She gave him her signature kind smile as her hands met before her.

"You're needed in the front office." She told him. "I think you are going to be checking out."

Tenko gave her a nod. "Yes ma'am. Thank you."

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