Chapter 13

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(This chapter will entirely be from Toya's POV so the chapter isn't just texting between the two of them :> )

Toya found himself staring at his phone for a long time. He hadn't known Tenko had texted him and he felt awful for making his friend worry about him. He was still slightly groggy since he had only woken up mere moments ago. So groggy, in fact, he couldn't even tell if it was day or night outside. He rubbed his eyes as Tenko responded.

~Tenko~: Oh so he lives

Of course. A snarky ass comment. Toya rolled his eyes and leaned back to type.

~Toya~: Look, I'm sorry
~Toya~: I've been asleep
~Tenko~: So you overslept and didn't come to school?
~Toya~: Kinda
~Toya~: But not on purpose.

The night before was a huge blur for him. He remembered panicking. A lot of that. The fear, the blood, the screaming fits. He remembered the raging headache he had as he sat in the waiting room of the hospital. He remembered his mother's comforting voice on the drive back, reassuring her son that she was perfectly fine and that the trip wasn't necessary.

A vibration pulled Toya from his thoughts.

~Tenko~: Wdym?
~Toya~: I had to take my mom to the hospital last night.
~Toya~: We didn't get back until two or three in the morning. She told me I could skip if I wanted to and, at first, I almost didn't
~Toya~: But I wanted to take care of her and help out.
~Tenko~: Oh
~Tenko~: I'm so sorry Toya
~Tenko~: Is she okay?

Toya found himself staring at the message. Was this his chance? Was God shedding this light on him, giving him a chance to open up and cry for help?

Despite his thoughts, his body compelled.

~Toya~: She fell off of something at work.

Total lie. His mother worked as an accountant.

~Toya~: She didn't want to admit that she was hurt, but I got worried. That's all.
~Toya~: She's fine now, so don't worry too much, ok?

The albino took a breath. Lying felt awful. He was raised better than this. Still, he knew he couldn't escape this. No one would believe him, and he wasn't about to open up and spill his trauma onto a boy he met only a few days ago!

~Tenko~: Well I'm still worried!
~Tenko~: But I hope she gets better ^^

Toya caught himself smiling. He ran his hand through his hair, his eyes glued to his phone. He probably looked like an idiot.

~Toya~: Thanks, Tenko
~Toya~: It means a lot
~Tenko~: Yw Toya!

The albino's attention perked up at the sound of his door opening. He looked over only to smile when he saw Rei's head poke in.

"Hey, sweetie." She smiled at him, almost in relief.

"Morning, Mom." Toya shut his phone off and set it aside. He then pushed himself off his mattress and made his way to her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he took her into a hug.

Rei's smile grew as she held her son in return. "Better. A bit sore, but better."

"That's good." Toya looked up at her. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Me too." She sighed. "I'll have to go get your brothers and sister soon. Do you want to come with?"

Toya hesitated. The last time he left without saying anything, his father got furious. He got grounded from his phone for two months but his mother eventually snuck it back to him. Still, going with her would get him out of the house and away from Enji. Plus, he needed some tensionless air.

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