Chapter 7

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"So, does anyone have any ideas for this project?" Toya asked.

The three were now sitting in a circle around each other; they had shifted their desks to form some kind of triangle-circle. It wasn't neat at all, but it was what they could deal with. Tenko rested his elbow on the desktop, his chin in his hands, as he eyed the two boys in his group. He held a grudge against Toya for making him do this and Kai...Kai could just go suck some donkey nuts.

"I believe we have to do the project about a world-altering occasion." Kai hummed in response.

What, like your birth? Tenko sneered to himself but he kept his lips zipped.

Toya hummed thoughtfully before perking up. "What about a war?"

"Don't be stupid, Toya," Tenko huffed at him, "Everyone is going to do a war! That's basic and too easy. Why not make it challenging, even a little?"

The albino gave him a pout. "Because easy requires no work? Duh!"

Tenko gave a soft scoff under his breath along with a lazy eye-roll. His eyes shifted to the brunette who sat beside him, who looked just as bored as Tenko was. Good. Maybe they had one thing in common. The brunette tapped his fingers against the desktop thoughtfully, his eyes glued to his hands.

"What about diseases?" Kai offered.

"Yeah right," Tenko scoffed, "Like a room of highschoolers are going to sit and listen to some other teenagers come up with some scientific-sounding explanation as to why...what? The flu? How the flu was such a big change to the world."

Toya turned his gaze from Kai to Tomura. "Actually...Kai's onto something here, Tenko. There are plenty of diseases in the world, and it could be, quite literally, any of them!"

Kai's hazel eyes turned to Tenko. He swore that he could feel the cockiness in them grab him by the throat. He just stared back, silently.

"And, it's like you said," Kai said coolly, "Why not make it challenging? It will require some major thinking to decide what type of disease we should do and then do further research to determine what exact disease to do."

The ravenette blinked at his words. Well, his own words. He wanted to argue back with them, but he couldn't find his voice. They were right. There was such a diversity of different kinds of diseases in the universe, dating way back when, that they could possibly use. Not to mention the branching off diseases. Tenko gave a small groan as he leaned back into the chair.

"Fine." Tenko huffed. "I guess we can do a disease."

Toya's face exploded into a smile. "Great! Now here's the real question; what disease do we do? I mean, the plague and flu are just kind of common. So those are out of the question. We should do something...unexpected!"

"No shit, Sherlock." Kai grumbled under his breath.

"Oi. Tone it down, Prim and Proper." Tenko shot Kai a glare. "He's just trying to help."

Kai returned the glare. "Well he doesn't need to sound stupid about it."

Toya watched the two bicker back and forth for a good few minutes. He didn't want to intervene, but they only had so much time to figure out what they were going to make the project on and start brainstorming topic ideas. After what felt like forever, an idea struck Toya's head. One that would, hopefully, stop the two from arguing and give them something to work off of.

"What about an STD?" The albino asked out of the blue.

Tenko and Kai both stopped mid-sentence and looked at him. Suddenly, the two burst into a cackling fit. Toya cringed at their sudden hyena-like behavior.

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