Chapter 14

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The week seemed to fly right by. Then another week. Some days passed by longer than other's and those days were like breaths of fresh air when school finally lets out. Before they knew it, the first month of school was behind them.

During this time, friendships were made. Everyone in Tenko's group liked Toya. To them, he was a "cooler" version of Tenko, which he almost took offense to. Tenko also got to know Kai a bit. He spent most of class talking to him about his games, which he figured out Kai liked as well, and his art. How any and all of his art competitions went were immediately told to Kai.

Tenko was happy with Kai. He always made him smile and gave him this weird warm feeling in his chest. He hated it because it made him act weird; he always looked like an idiot when it came up. It came out of nowhere too! That made things worse.

Of course, he kept these emotions on the down-low. Even, somehow, from his sister. He needed to manage them out himself before he decided he'd tell everyone. Then everyone can bug him about when he got them and if he was sure that they were for Kai.

As for now, Tenko kept to himself. He took a breath as he walked down the hall, fingers tracing the strap of his bag. His mind raced around the answers to his math test in a few hours. He had studied all night; surely, he'd make a decent grade.

"Hey." Tenko turned to see Toya now beside him.

"Oh. Hi!" Tenko smiled at him. He straightened his spine and walked with confidence.

"Where ya headed?" Toya asked casually, his hands in his pockets.



"What about you?" The ravenette looked over his shoulder.

Toya shrugged. "English."

"Mr. Rin's class, right?"

Toya nodded. By now, they knew each other's schedules like the back of their hands. They often found themselves in this situation; Tenko or Toya walking the other to class. It was a nice routine the two had.

Tenko's fingers ran along his strap again. It was comforting to feel the offset, netted fabric under his fingers. It was like a distraction from the loud voices around them.

"Hey." Toya spoke again. "I'm having a party next weekend. Do you think you'd could come?"

Tenko looked at him in surprise. "You're having a party?"

"Yep. My dad is going to be out of town, my sister and brother will be at a friend's all weekend, and my mom and Shoto are going to her sister's place." The albino explained as they stopped outside of Tenko's class. "I thought you'd want to come. Since a majority of my friends and theirs are going to be there."

Tenko hesitated. He hadn't been to a party since he was a child. Now, he was a junior in high school. The idea of it intimidated him, especially since, now that they were older, alcohol would be a problem.

But, knowing Toya's friends would be there was somewhat reassuring. He knew Toya wouldn't let alcohol slide. Hopefully.

"Alright." Tenko shrugged. "I'll come. But, do you think Hana could come?"

Toya smiled at his answer. "Of course! She's more then welcome to join us if she wants to."

Tenko nodded in acknowledgment. They stopped in front of Tenko's classroom and they faced each other. The ravenette smiled lowly at the other.

"I'll let her know." Tenko hummed. "Text me what time you decide for the party, okay? Start to finish."

Toya's face lit up. "Okay! I will. See you next period!" He called as he hurried off. The bell them blared across the halls and Toya's pace quickened.

Tenko snickered and shook his head. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he turned to enter the classroom. As usual, he was the first person inside. Mr. Rin didn't even acknowledge him as he walked inside. Tenko slid into his usual seat and waited for class to start.

During the class exchange, Tomura managed to catch up to Kai. He smiled happily as he stopped at the brunette's side. Kai turned to him and returned his smile with a more calm one.

"Hey, Tenko." Kai greeted. The sound of his name sent shivers down Tenko's spine.

"Hi." Tenko replied, stifling his happiness. "Whatcha up to?"

"Just messaging my boss." He shrugged, stuffing his phone away. "I'm off today and he was making sure I knew I was off for the weekend."

"Oh." Tenko hummed. "Want to walk to class?"

Kai gave a shrug. "Sure. I don't mind. We're down the same hall anyways."

A smile painted Tenko's face. He flicked his head and spun around. Kai paced himself beside Tenko as they made their way down the hallway. The smile never left his face. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.

"Hey," he looked at Kai, "you doing anything next weekend?"

The brunette looked over at him. "Uhm...I'm not sure yet. I probably have work. Why?"

"Toya's having a party. I was hoping you could be there. Kind of hoping to have someone I know there."

Kai stared at him for a few long minutes.

"Toya is having a party?" He repeated. "And his dad was okay with it?"

"His dad doesn't know." Tenko explained as he looked at Kai. "He's out on a business trip."

Kai rolled his eyes. "Of course he's out."

Tenko looked at him again. He wondered what his deal was with Toya. He wasn't such a bad guy! People liked him and he was sweet and funny and pretty smart. Though, people wouldn't believe he was smart if they even could. He wanted to ask but chose against it.

"So, will you go?" Tenko asked hopefully.

Kai's eyes shifted to him. He sighed reluctantly. "I'll try."

A bright smile painted Tenko's face. The thought of Kai joining in at the party didn't seem entirely awful. Now, the thought of even going seemed more tolerable.

"I look forward to seeing you there." Tenko grinned as he looked ahead. What he didn't see was Toya watching him walk to class with Kai, a scowl painted on the albino's face.

Oh? A bit of jealousy, Toya? To who? We may never know.
I apologize for the short chapters! Writers block sucks ass but there will be longer chapters coming soon!

Words: 1071

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