Chapter 6

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It didn't take Tenko long at all to find his sister. She was waiting at the doorway of the cafeteria for him. Tenko only knew that she was waiting because she was doing her anxious fidgets with her fingers while scanning the commons area. When she finally caught him, she gave a heavy sigh and made her way over.

"You know just how to give people a heart attack." She scolded him, flicking his arm.

"Ow– Hey! I told you where I was going!" Tenko hissed back at her.

Hana just simply rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. Tenko scoffed in response to her pout. His gaze shifted to the crowd of passing students. Through he, somehow, he managed to spot Toya. Probably because he was one of the only kids in that entire school with white hair. He was standing with Keigo and a girl he knew was named Rumi–mainly because she was friends with Hana–talking. A low smile graced his face.

Hana leaned over to see who he was staring at. She was mainly concerned that her brother was smiling at a person or just some poster or something. If a person, she suspected Toga or Jin. However, to her surprise, he was staring at Toya. A smirk painted her face.

"Oooooo! Someone's got a crush!" Hana sang out, nudging her brother's rib with her elbow.

Tenko blinked back to reality and whipped around to face his sister. He swiftly shook his head, an embarrassed blush dusting his face. "What? No! Why would I have a crush on him of all people? He's an annoying jerk and thinks he's all that shit. It's pathetic!"

Hana hummed. "Yep. Sounds like your type."

"Shut up!" Tenko snapped at her. "Why would I like him anyways; we met, like, a day ago!"

"I think you're just in denial. Besides, it's just a crush. Maybe it'll just be a drive-by type of thing!"

Tenko rolled his eyes and started to lead her to their next class. "I don't have a crush!"

Hana pouted as she came closer to match his pace. "Oh right; my bad. You're an emotionless loner who despises love with every fiber in his being. I forgot. How dare I."

"Okay, seriously, shut up." Tenko hissed at her.

Hana just gave a huff but grudgingly shut up. Tenko gave a heavy sigh, finally enjoying the somewhat peace and quiet. He ran a hand through his hair, fluffy some of it out with his fingers. His eyes caught a few students staring at him as he walked by. A groan slipped past his lips as he ducked his head and continued on forward. Hana just smiled and waved at them.

Eventually, they got to class and the day proceeded on as usual. All up until the seventh period. By the time the last class came around, Tomura was somewhat eagerly awaiting Toya's arrival. The albino had messaged him earlier that day, checking to make sure that the number he was given was real, and since then they had carried out small conversations. Mainly just tidbits while they were bored in class.

When Toya came into the room, Tenko glanced at him and smiled. He had a bandage over his bruise now, which Tenko was glad about. Now he felt less guilty about looking at the bruise every time he looked at him. The albino's eyes met Tenko's own and he gave him a smile back.

"Woah, you aren't scowling!" Toya teased him as he slid into his seat. "What's with the sudden change in expressions?"

"Oh nothing." Tenko rolled his eyes playfully. "No reason at all."

Toya smirked and ruffled his hair a little. The ravenette shooed his hand away with scoff before looking ahead again. His eyes scanned the classroom, now really focusing on the people's faces and such. He could judge some of their personalities based on their looks. Pretty much everyone in this class was loud as hell and absolutely annoying. He just wanted to block out all of their voices with white noise.

His eyes landed on someone that looked vaguely familiar. Isn't that the guy from first period? He thought to himself. I never caught his name. Tenko rested his elbow on the table, his chin in his hand. Maybe he'll figure it out today. He wondered if his name was as poor as his fashion sense.

Toya glanced at Tenko. "Who are you staring at?"

The ravenette looked at the albino beside him. He then flicked his head to the brunette that sat towards the front of the classroom.

"That guy. He's in my first period and I want to know his name." he explained.

Toya cocked a brow at him, a smug look painting his face. "Why? You interested in him or something?"

"What? God no!" Tenko shook his head. "If I ever got interested in someone with that poor of a fashion sense, I'd blow my brains out."

Toya burst out into a laughing fit. Tenko felt himself smile a little bit. He had to admit, Toya had a cute laugh. He then blinked and shook his head, looking back at the brunette ahead of them. What the fuck? I've never thought that bullshit before. He scoffed to himself. Hana wasn't right...was she? No, of course not.

Once Toya's little fit was over, he sighed softly and rubbed his eyes. "Man you're a fucking riot." He chuckled. "Anyways, his name is Kai; he's in my fifth period. I heard he's from a hella rich family."

Tenko snorted. "Rich and he dresses like that? Damn, what kind of money are they living off of? Monopoly money?"

"Damn dude, you're going off on the poor guy and you don't even know him." Toya pat his shoulder. "Lay off a little, won't you."

"As if." Tenko laughed a little. But, yeah. He had to lay off a little before he got too carried away and started really insulting this Kai figure.

Toya just scoffed and rolled his eyes. He rested his arms on the table, his chin falling into his arms. His eyes were all over the classroom by now, watching people come in like loud, laughing hyenas. The one thing he and Tenko thought alike was the desperation to squeeze their heads until they popped.

The ravenette huffed when the teacher arrived and the lesson finally started. He would glance at Toya throughout the lesson. Tenko would be lying if he said he wasn't still curious about the whole bruise on his face. He just hoped and prayed that Toya wasn't purposely getting into fights or getting bullied.

When the teacher's draining voice finally ceased, Tenko snapped to attention. They were doing group work; a project due in two weeks. His eyes went to Toya and the albino's eyes met his. The two smirked at each other, obviously silently answering each other's question.

"Now," Toya grunted as he sat up and stretched his arms over his head, "We need a third member."

"Wait a third?" Tenko asked. "I thought it was only two?"

"Nope." The albino scanned the room. Pretty much everyone had scrambled up for a partner, picking all their friends or the popular kids. Those who were introverted or had shit socializing skills stayed in their seats. A smirk tugged at Toya's lips as he got up.

"Wait here." He ordered Tenko as he walked away from their desks and toward the front.

Curiously, Tenko's eyes followed him. The other teen slipped around the people and went straight to the front of the class. Oh God please no. Toya I'm going to kick your dick in! Tenko groaned when Toya started approaching again, this time with Kai.

"Tenko, this is Kai." He introduced, giving the other a low smirk. "He's going to be joining our group."

"Hey Tenko." Kai's oily smooth voice greeted softly.

Tenko sighed and sat up. "Hi."

This is going to be a long two weeks.

Hehehehehehehehe Kai has officially been introduced! Poor man has been ripped on a bit too much but, let's be honest, mf deserves it. This is going to be a fun experience >:)

Words: 1368

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