Chapter 9

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(Warning! This chapter is entirely about physical and mental abuse. If you do not feel comfortable reading this chapter, please skip it. Contains blood and swearing! You have been warned.)

Toya took a breath to himself as he eyed the door he was approaching. Keigo's words played in the back of his head.

"Just stand your ground." he told him. "You're sixteen now. He can't keep this up forever."

Tch. Yeah right.

He stopped at the door. Hesitant. That was the first thing that would kill him. He was too damn hesitant. That's why he never stopped.

Toya shook his head violently. His teeth bared at the thought. The blurry photo of his family. It would never be right. Never.

Without thinking anymore, Toya opened the door. He half expected to met with screaming or crying, but he was not expecting the silence. The loud, uncomfortable silence. Toya's eyes shifted around the living room as he fully stepped inside and slowly closed the door behind him.

"Hello?" He called as he further walked inside. "Mom? Nat? Fuyumi?"

There was no response to his calls. Huh. He huffed to himself, stopping in place and looking around. Maybe...a teacher conference?

Usually, Rei was always at home, waiting for her children with a smile on her face. Despite everything they were going through, she always smiled. Toya was envious. He wanted to smile like she did. Wanted to make it seem like everything was okay, even when it wasn't.

His anger, however, always got the best of him. That was what most fights escalated to. Toya's fingers lifted up to graze the bandage on his cheek. The bruise still hurt, but not as bad as it had once felt.

The albino took a deep breath. He spun on his heel and headed for his room; he might as well enjoy the peace before Enji returned home. Only God knows what will happen then.

When he got to his room, he kicked the door shut behind him. He threw his bag down onto the ground beside his door before making his way to the bathroom. He was lucky enough to get one of the rooms with a bathroom installed in his room. It made it easier to get around and keep to himself at the same time.

Toya stood before the mirror, his eyes studying his blank face. He hated his eyes. He hated how he looked because he knew he was a white-haired carbon copy of his father. It made him sick.

Slowly, he peeled off the bandage to reveal the bruise under his eye. His fingers danced along the skin, a pained hiss slipping out when he pressed in on a sore spot.

"Shit." He whispered to himself. He then let out a heavy sigh, tossing the bandage into the trash can beside the sink. "Welp that'll be sore tomorrow."

Once the bandage was disposed of, Toya walked back into his room. He threw himself onto his bed just to curl up under the covers and stare at the wall. There were things he should be working on, he knew, but he had absolutely zero motivation to do so. As he laid there, he could feel his eyelids getting heavy.

Maybe a quick nap can suffice until everyone gets home. Toya thought to himself as he tugged the blanket up over his shoulder. His eyes then fully fell closed, his mind slipping away from him as he fell into the graceful arms of sleep.

After who-knows how many hours, Toya was startled awake by the loud slamming of the front door. His chest rose and fell swiftly for a few good minutes. At first, he thought someone had broken in.

He then bit back a low groan. He had heard the angry stomping footsteps go around the house. It was Enji.

Toya didn't want to leave his bed. Not just yet. The blankets had him trapped in their protective, warm embrace, holding him tight against his mattress. Whatever would happen with his father's rage would be worth a few more minutes of this comfort.

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