Chapter 15

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Kai stopped with Tomura outside the classroom door. His eyes trailed the ravenette slowly. He opened his mouth as though he wanted to speak, but closed it quickly.

"I'll see you in seventh." Kai finally managed to say. He turned his back to leave but stopped midway. "If I work next weekend, I'll call out."

He didn't trust Toya hosting a party. Not in the slightest. He was the type of guys to let things happen and then never take blame for them. What really bugged Kai was that he was trying to drag Tenko down with him. Well he'd be there to stop it. He promised himself that.

Tenko, on the other hand, was all smiles as he walked into class. Kai was going to call out of work for him! Tenko of all people! He swore he had never felt his heart pound so violently. He had to take a few breaths as he slid down into his seat.

The class began to fill with kids. Tenko's eyes watched them, searching for one boy's face specifically. When he saw Toya, he beamed and waved him over. He couldn't wait to tell him the news!

Toya hesitated before making his way to his seat beside Tomura. His stomach twisted. Tenko was smiling like an idiot, and he knew why. Or he had an idea why.

He couldn't stand it.

"Hey!" Tenko had to stamp down some of his happiness so he wasn't yelling or squeaking. "How did last period go?"

"Fine." Toya murmured as he leaned back.

"Same here." Tenko hummed with a grin. "I talked to Kai beforehand."

"Did you now?" Toya huffed, trying desperately not to sound bored.

"Yep! And guess what?"

Toya hummed.

"He said he's going to try and come to your party!"

Toya's heart dropped into his stomach. "You invited him?"

"Yeah?" Tenko cocked his head innocently. "I mean, why not? He's my friend."

Toya winced. "Well, I know that, but, him of all people?"

"What's the deal between you two?" Tenko asked, narrowing his eyes.

Toya stared at him. Silence lingered heavily between the two. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what all Kai had told Tenko, if anything at all. His heart skipped a few beats as he pinched at his arms, leaving nail indents in his skin.

"That's," Toya sighed, "That's a story for another time."

Tenko scoffed. He was pissed. Why do the two have such tensions? He was their friend and yet neither of them would say a word about their drama. It made his skin crawl and a dark feeling settle into the pit of his stomach. He hated the shadiness.

"Fine." Tenko sneered. "Don't tell me. I'll find out for myself."

"Tenko." Toya sighed longly.

The ravenette didn't respond. He was mad. Furious even. How could they keep such a big secret from him? What was there to even keep secret? He had to figure out, and he had just the idea how to.

"So, you want the dirt on them?" Keigo eyed him curiously. "Why?"

Tenko had stopped Keigo after class before meeting up with his sister for lunch. He didn't seem to mind being stopped. Apparently the blonde had heard a few things from Toya about the ravenette. Keigo seemed at ease around the boy.

Tenko nodded. "Because they both keep it hush-hush and I want to know."

"Yeah, but why?" Keigo cocked a brow.

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