Chapter 29: Timeless & Boundless

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I do not own nor claim all the rights to 鬼滅の刃 | Kimetsu no Yaiba | Demon Slayer; all rights are reserved to its respective creator, Koyoharu Gotōge. This is purely a work of fiction; names, characters, businesses, events, localities, and occurrences are all extrapolated from the author's writings and imagination or utilized in a fictitious manner. As such, any direct or indirect references to actual entities, dead or alive, or events do not, in any shape or form, resemble the opinions of the author.


"..." = Dialogue

'...' = Internal monologues


It was bright and clear outside, and the window pane allowed for the irradiance of the sun to shine its beams confidently without a moment's hesitation.

Flowers were blooming, and a cherry blossom tree was fully adorned with its iconic, pink sakura.

It wasn't blistering hot nor was it numbingly cold; the moderate conditions between these two extremes attested to the Spring weather outside.

Nevertheless, despite such a picturesque setting, a heavy weight was pressing down upon the atmosphere, bringing about an air of despondency that is seldom replicated in most instances.

The contrast between what is and what is to become was evermore present. In other words, what lies ahead is bleak, and the soul is likely to be dispirited and utterly at the mercy of the ruthless hand of reality.

The infectious grip of despair and sorrow had manifested themselves under such tenuous circumstances.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The rhythmic pulse of the vital signs machine echoed brazenly throughout the expanse of this particular room.

In isolation, this repetitive sound gave the impression of a subdued environment bereft of any redeeming qualities.

Because, in essence, that is exactly what currently defines this particular place at this particular time.



"Even if Muzan Kibutsuji and his lackeys are defeated, even if you and your beloved Tomioka Giyuu survive the carnage that will inevitably follow, and even if all that you hope for is made true... you will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality."

"Whether by the sword, the disease, or the slow decay of time, Tomioka Giyuu will die before you."

"And there will be no comfort for you. No comfort to ease the pain of his passing."

"He will come to death. Much like those who came before him, it would harken to the end of an era for the myths and legends of ancient Japan; the magnificence and glory of the Hashiras and the Demon Slayer Corps will rot away with him. Becoming only a forgotten piece of history, lost forever in the memories of the deceased."

"But you... You will be one of the few that keeps that connection alive, but only for so long."

"You will linger on... in the darkness and doubt that is your grief. Nightfall and winters will come without a star, without a glimmer of hope or happiness in the confines of your soul."

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