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Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read Tacenda. This is the end for the time being, but there will be a Part two that will include Zora's backstory and point of view. And, of course, her books. But we don't know when that will be. Again, thank you!

Tacenda II

A small thing can grow into a big thing. One incident can alter a person's life. And experience has the power to transform the heart.

Life is miserable and unequal. That's true. Others may believe that everything has a purpose, but is that really the case? I don't think so. The world is just unfair, let's be honest.

I'm not even close to being sane, and if you don't accept my chaos, you won't get to taste my blood.


Tacenda (GxG)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora