Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Throughout the four weeks at SMU, Clarke undergoes a big transformation. Physically his body becomes more toned and tighter than he's ever been. Pushing himself in the gym, Clarke shoves his abilities to new heights trying to ensure he maintains being a starting player.

On the final day on campus, the team gathers for breakfast. Everyone expects the harsh training to continue for one more round of two-a-day. The entire team feels everything Coach Greene has put each of them through.

As the coach watches from the back table, the chair scoots back with Coach Greene using a butter knife, clinking the glass.

"Gentlemen, may I have your attention." He calls out as the chatter dies down. "For the last few weeks, my coaching staff have pushed, moved, trained, and harassed you to the breaking point. As a coach who has won several Single A state titles in New Mexico and Arizona, I know your bodies are sore, thrashed, and beaten. I am damn proud of the work I've witnessed from all of you. When we make it back to Brighton High, the list for starters will be posted on the bulletin board by my office door."

While Coach Greene takes his seat in unison, the team gets to their feet, clapping. Clarke and a few others on the offensive line whistle to show more support. Together the team chants, "Brighton," as Coach Moss and some of the other adult's motion for the commotion to pipe down.

"Chadwick, Willie, let the boys do their thing. Even the little things will strengthen that bond." Coach Greene reminds them in a low tone. Interlocking his fingers, he continues, "We've watched their tapes, and they're good, but some of them had an ego that needed to be checked. I think we may have made some headway into resolving those issues."

After a few more minutes, Coach Greene slides his seat back, picking up his tray, "Give them ten more minutes, then bring them to the training room. I have a surprise for the team."

Clarke notices the coach empty his tray and leaves the cafeteria. Not paying much attention to it, he returns to chatting amongst the other core of receivers. When the ten minutes expire, Coach Sapp gets to his feet, using his deep voice to yell over the conversations.


Silence falls over the cafeteria. Everyone gets to their feet, empties their tray, and files into a single line at the far door. With the coordinators lined up last, Coach Sapp leads the way to the destination. Before entering the room, the team can't wait to get out of the sunny weather. Some of them feel their sunburns.

Once the door is open, the team makes their way inside. The sight of several pods set up with college recruiters sitting in front of the collection of chairs. Recruiters from Marshal College, Boston College, Virginia and Virginia Tech, Texas Tech, Baylor, Texas Christian, San Diego State, and Wisconsin universities waiting to discuss scholarships or schedule in-person visits.

Clarke's attention is drawn to the oddball university representative from Wisconsin. The recruiter is an average-height redhead covered in freckles and a mountain man beard. The Cardinal Red polo compliments the recruiter's hair color. Clarke sits, listening to the recruiter talk about his time as a Wisconsin player and graduate.

"Hello, fellas. I'm Henry Friendly, and I played my college career as a Badger. My biggest accomplishment was playing in the Rose Bowl. Since then, Wisconsin has been rebuilding. As I understand it, that's the same going on here with your team. If you ask me, that gives you young men an advantage over most others coming out of high school. You'll be familiar with how the process goes. You understand what it takes to help lift a program."

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