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Ella's dress on the right, Mercy's on the left.


"Mercy! Are you almost ready? We need to go." I said, sending a quick text to my mom.

Soon enough I heard her heels clicking on the wooden steps of our small home in San Francisco.

She came down, her curls bouncing with every step. Her gaze shifted to me and she smiled.

"I for real can't believe we are graduating today." She said, grabbing her phone off the counter and throwing me my car keys.

I caught them with my left hand and spun them around my finger. I smoothed down my dress once again before stepping outside in the warm California air.

I heard the door shut and lock behind me as I carefully walked to the car, trying to to trip.

I opened the door to my red Camaro and sat in the front seat, closing the door behind me. Mercy sat in the seat beside me, brushing off her dress.

"You need to get a new car." She wined as I pulled out of the driveway.

"That's what I'm saving up for." I mumbled, turning up the volume to hear Ellie Golding.

"SO LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO!" We both yelled as I drove to the college.

Once we got there, I got out and locked the car, dropping my keys into my bra because I forgot my purse. Smart move, Ella.

We got there and Mercy met up with Alex, completely forgetting I was there. I rolled my eyes as I ventured through the college, looking for the classroom with my robe in it.

I finally found it and opened it to see Mason standing there, glaring at me.

Mason is my ex-boyfriend, and he is very mad because of the reason I broke up with him.


I smiled falsely before walking over to the rack, grabbing the whitish robe and carefully slipping it on over my dress. I adjusted it so it looked perfect and put my cap.

I smiled to myself before pulling out my phone and having someone take a picture for me.

I thanked them and posted the picture on Instagram, getting a lot of like quickly.

I turned my phone off and tucked it away before hearing the teacher telling us it was time.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the door. I was being forced to walk with Mason so I sighed, but kept my smile.

I was graduating.

We walked through the hallways, everyone buzzing with joy.

We got the double doors that led us outside and I took a deep breath right before I heard the music start.

They opened and I was faced with hundreds of faces of proud parents. Mason and I walked in pace to out seats and gracefully took a seat.

He looked over and smiled at me, wiggling his eyebrows. I gave him a small smile in return and then focused my attention back to the man speaking.


After receiving my diploma, I smiled at the crowd and walked back to my seat, tapping Mason's hat as I did so. He turned and looked at me and I giggled quietly. I stood beside him as the man announced the rest of the names.

"... I'm proud to send these students out and onto their lives. Will the graduating class please move their tassels to the left(?) side of the caps," we all stood as we did so. "Ladies and gentlemen, I proud to announce the graduating class of 2014!"

We all threw our hats off as we screamed and the crowd cheered behind us. I turned to look at Mason and he held his arms open, signaling he wanted a hug.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, my head resting on his chest.

I looked past him to see Mercy standing there, smirking.

I shook my head and walked over to her, bidding goodbye to Mason.

"Let's go party!" She squealed, throwing her hands up in the air.


"That guy was like forty," I giggled, looking ahead at the road while Mercy was a drunken mess beside me. "Why was he hitting on you?"

"Maybe because I'm hot." She said, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"Mhm. That's why." I said sarcastically, turning onto our street. I furrowed my eyebrows at the crowded street and firetrucks lined up the street.

I parked the car and got out, locking it after Mercy got out.

I pushed through the people, muttering an 'excuse me' every once and a while.

I got to the front of the crowd and my eyes got wide.

Our house burned down.

I rushed over to one of the firemen and tapped on his shoulder.

He turned around and raised his eyebrows, as if asking what I wanted.

"What happened here?" I asked politely, coughing due to the smoke inhalation.

"We believe it was a candle that caught a curtain on fire." He said. "Why? Do you live here?"

"I did. Were you guys able to find anything?" I asked, tears pricking at my eyes.

"We found a box of pictures and stuff tucked into the back of one of the closets. You look like the girl in the pictures, let me just go grab it." He said, turning on his heel and walking to the front of the truck.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Mercy standing there.

"Hey. I'm staying with Alex in LA. Wanna come?" She asked, running a hand through her hair.

"Hah no. I'm a Giants fan," I laughed and she rolled her eyes. "No really. I can't. My job is here and that's my only income right now. You go. I'll just get a hotel for a while." I said, giving her a small smile.

"You sure you'll be ok?" She asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be just fine." I reassured her.

"Here's that box." The fireman said and I thanked him before sitting in the back of the open ambulance and setting the box down beside me.

I opened it and the first thing I saw was Joe's sweatshirt.

I took it out of the box and inhaled the scent of it. I slipped it on over my dress and continued to look through the box.

I found old pictures of me and Joe and a pair of his sweats. I tucked the sweats back in before closing the box.

I thanked the firemen before announcing to them that I was leaving.

I set the box in the passengers seat of my car before starting it and driving to a cheap motel near by.

I bought a room and brought my stuff into the room, throwing it onto a chair.

I let a frustrated groan before going into the bathroom and taking a hot shower.



I hope y'all are excited for this bc i ammmm!!!

Enjoy this chapter mannnn.


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