Blow It In The Wind

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Clovel breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped through the door of his home, his sanctuary. With a sense of accomplishment and exhaustion, he reached for his phone and sent Tiana a reassuring message: "Made it home safely."

Leaning against the wall, he gazed into his glass-encased room, filled with a mixture of awe and happiness. The paintings lining the floor stood as a testament to his creative journey.

Rubbing his forehead, Clovel's mind filled with a mixture of emotions. The completion of those paintings brought a sense of fulfillment, but also a weight of artistic vulnerability. Clovel took a step back, surveying the paintings neatly prepared and ready for their next destination. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and satisfaction at the sight before him. Each stroke, each color choice, had been a deliberate decision, and now they were poised to embark on their own artistic journey.

Tomorrow, these paintings would leave the confines of his home, venturing into the homes of those who trusted him to capture their visions. Clovel felt a mixture of nervousness and hope, knowing that the reception of his artwork would be subjective, but also aware that it had the power to evoke emotions and spark connections.

The following day

While out, carefully transporting his precious paintings, Clovel's phone vibrated in his pocket, momentarily distracting him from his task. He retrieved the device, noticing that it was Aniyah's phone number calling. Annoyance and a hint of apprehension stirred within him as he looked at the number on his phone.

Recognizing that there wasn't much his ex-girlfriend could say that would be of significance to him at that moment, Clovel made the decision to decline the call. With a subtle swipe of his finger, he silenced the ringing and focused his attention back on the task at hand—safeguarding his cherished artwork.

After successfully meeting with his clients and delivering their cherished paintings, Clovel felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. The appreciation and joy reflected in their faces as they received his artwork affirmed his talent and hard work. As he gathered the payments, he noticed that three of his clients had promptly sent their payments digitally, while one had paid him in cash.

With the transactions completed, Clovel carefully organized the payments and secured them in a designated envelope. Knowing the importance of handling his finances responsibly, he made his way to the bank, ensuring the safe and proper deposit of the funds he had earned through his artistic endeavors.

As he walked through the familiar streets, his mind buzzed with a mixture of pride and anticipation. The success of these transactions reinforced his belief in his abilities as an artist and the value others placed on his work. It was a reminder that his passion had the potential to not only bring beauty into the world but also sustain him financially.

Arriving at the bank, Clovel entered the serene atmosphere, appreciating the sense of order and stability that surrounded him. He approached the teller with confidence, presenting the envelope containing the payments. With a friendly smile, the teller processed the deposit, acknowledging the fruits of Clovel's labor.

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