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"Are we interrupting something?" Natasha said laughing, Steve ran up to you and he spins you around, "Your awake, and better!",  you laughed and had a lot of pain at the same time, he puts you down, you look around to see Peter, but he's gone, "Couldn't you guys just wait 5 damn seconds to barge in?" You said, walking to Peter's room seeing if he's there, but you hear him talking with Tony and you start listening.

"Kid, if your going out with Y/n your making a big mistake" Tony said, "Mr.stark i promise you, i don't wanna go out with her, i don't even like her that way" Peter said, "Good, because that would be a waste of time" Tony said, you heard footsteps walking towards the door, you ran upstairs to your room and locked it.

The few following 3 days you didn't came out, you told Steve everything, and he makes sure your just eating, drinking and sleeping enough, but the 4th day he walks in your room, "Y/n, i know you love the boy and your heartbroken but you really need to come downstairs" Steve said, "Fine whatever" You said, you walked past Steve and he grabbed your arm, "I'm by your side all the time, don't turn your anger out on me, please" He said, you hugged him, "I won't", you and Steve walk downstairs and everyone stops talking and looks at you, Natasha ran to you and hugged you, "Are you okay, where were you?" She said, "Somewhere" You said loosening in her grip and walked in the kitchen, pouring in some wine, "Young lady" Steve said, "Please dad" You said smiling at him, "Only this once, because i love you" With that words you let your glass with red wine fall on the ground, "Y-You love me?" You said, looking in Steve's eyes, he nodded, "Ofcourse i love you, your my daughter" He said smiling, you ran to him and hugged him, "I love you too dad" He holds you tight.

You poured yourself another glass of wine, after you cleaned the one that fell, but while you were drinking, Peter and Tony walked into the compound together smiling, holding five bigshoppers filled with clothes, when Peter saw you he was shocked, he even let three bigshoppers fell to the ground, "You dropped something Parker" You said, facing away from him, looking at Steve, "Pick it up before i throw it away" Steve said, you smiled, it was such a nice feeling having a parent matching your mood's, Peter packed up the bags and took them upstairs, Tony sat beside you, putting an arm around you, but you felt really uncomfortable, you wanted to stand up but Tony took your arm pulling you back, "Tony let her go" Wanda said, she stood up and she grabbed your arm and pulled you towards her, you hugged her.

Bruce walks in, "Wanda, Y/n, can i have a word with both of you?" He said, you and Wanda nodded and walked into the lab with Bruce.

To the boy that changed my life ||An Marvel Fanfiction||Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora