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Since you are no longer banished from Asgard you decided to stay for a while, even tho Loki and Thor both had to return to the Avengers you stayed, you had a lot of fun with Valkyrie, she was always your best friend before you got banished and after that you two totally lost contact, but since she found out you are no longer banished you two grew together like you have never been seperated from eacother. You and Loki are staying in contact everyday even tho he's not in Asgard, as soon as you see his face your face lights up, you are very happy with Loki, and you have such a great time back at Asgard that you never want it to change.

Until one day you wake up and your whole room was starting to turn into ice, you ran out to see all the Frostgiants, "No.." You said a bit too loud, everyone turned around to look at you, "LADY Y/N RUN!" was the last thing you heard before you got frozen, Valkyrie saw you get frozen and tried to unfreeze you but she has no luck, she quickly informed Thor and Loki and not even 10 minutes later Thor arrived, Loki arrived half an hour later because Heimdall wouldn't let him pass through (We all know how that went if Loki trully want something).

Anyway but that was already too late because you were frozen for too long that you froze to death, Loki fell down to his knees screaming, such as Valkyrie, Thor kneeled down, whispering "I love you.." Loki stood up and fighted all the Frostgiants, while Thor is trying to get them back to Bïfrost, when he succeeded Thor called all the left overs from Asgard by one next to you, Odin and Frigga stood next to you such as Loki and Valkyrie, Thor stood before you, and started talking, "Our own princess of Asgard froze to death today to save us, even tho she always told us she would never sacrifice herself for this place, because she always said we wouldn't do the same for her.. But now, she's gone and were alive.." A tear rolled down his cheek as he slowly bended down on one knee, soon everyone follows, even Loki, Firgga and Odin.

Frigga was the first one to stand up, "Lady Y/n was like a daughter to me, i could always laugh with her, and even when Odin fell into his Odin-sleep she was there for me, for all of us, and when Odin woke up, she was still here, no matter what! She hasn't seen her real family for over 3 months, and now they'll never see her again, because Lady Y/n chose to die to protect the people that treated her nicely, but also people who still treated her horribly! She cried most of the nights in her room, and walking out like nothing happened!" She said, "She fought, for all of us, and she died for the people who wouldn't even remember her after a year!" Loki said, "She was my girlfriend! And instead of contacting me about this, she went for it, knowing she couldn't make it! Her father will be depressed by the fact that she's gone!".

Everyone stood up and Odin started to speak, "I once banished Lady Y/n out of Asgard for running away from her marriage with Thor, i should've never done that, but even tho i did, she's standing here, frozen in ice, risking her life when it should be me!".

To the boy that changed my life ||An Marvel Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now