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The first place you thought about was Asgard, so your on your way to Heimdall.

"Heimdall!" You said, "Y/n! Long time no see, what's up?" He said, "Has Loki gone to Asgard maybe?" You said, "He's there right now, Thor is there too" He said, "Bring me there, please" You begged him, "Fine, but be quick, you know i'm not allowed to do that", "But why not, i'm the princess of Asgard" You said curious, "Odin gave away your title to Valkyrie", "Bitch" You said right before you got send to Asgard.

Your walking around, as you see Frigga, "Frigga! Where's Loki?" You ran up to her, "Your not allowed to be here, Odin will k-" You interrupted her, "I know he will, but i need to talk to him!" Frigga let out a deep sigh, "Follow me"

You followed Frigga to Loki's room, "Thank you Frigga.." You said as you walk in, "Loki.. Are you in here?" You said, "Y/n.. What are you doing here" Loki said as he walks up to you, "Loki, stop the illusion..", "What illusion", "You know what i'm talking about" You said, Loki looks at the ground and lets the illusion disappear,  "Awh baby, let me get you out of here" You said as you were looking around, "There is no escape" Loki said, "I will make one, i'll do anything" You look at him, "I have to tell you something.." You said, Thor walks in, "Lady Y/n! my mom was right.." Thor said, "Shut up and help me!" You said, "Loki can't get out" Thor said, "We'll make him get out, i'll make him get out!" You said, "Please Thor, i need him.." Thor sighs deeply, "I don't know how to free him.." Thor said, "I can free myself.. This is my own magic" Loki said, "Please free yourself baby, i need you.." You said, "I- I can't, i'm a monster.. I killed people the day you woke up and lost your memory.." "That wasn't your fault brother, you just found out your girl dated me.." Thor said.

After a while Loki freed himself and you rushed to him and hugged him, he holds you tightly, you look at him, "I fucking love you, don't scare me like this" Loki smiles, "I love you too princess, i'm sorry.." You look in his eyes, he cups your chin and kisses you slowly and passionate.

"Don't ever leave me again" Loki said, you smile, "Likewise", "Are you two lovebirds done? We need to go before father finds out th-", " Finds out what?", you three turned around, "Father.." Loki and Thor said, you kneeled, "King" Loki tries not to laugh, Thor quickly pokes him before he starts speaking, "My apologies father, i did not think you would be standing here.." Odin looks at the three of you, "Lady Y/n.. You know you are banished from here" He said laying his eyes on you, "I know Od- i mean your highness, but i had to speak to Loki asap.. I can leave right now if you want!"

You wanted to walk past him as he didn't answer "Stay!" Odin said, you turned around, "I'm sorry your highness?", "Please stay, Loki and Thor both seemed to like having your company, maybe i can learn something from that" Odin said, "Oh, and you can call me Odin, Lady Y/n" You chuckle, "D-Does this mean i'm no longer banished?" You said excited, Frigga walks in, "Yes dear, me and Odin had a talk and we thought we could give you another chance, you are Loki's girlfriend after all" She said, you looked at Frigga and then at Odin, "Omg.." You teared up, "I- Thank you, thank you!" You ran to Frigga and hugged her, "No need for thanks, you deserve it" Odin said, you look at Loki, he whispers to you "You did it".

To the boy that changed my life ||An Marvel Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now