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"How'd it go? What did he say?" Steve said, "It went alright" You said as you faked a smile, "No it didn't" Peter said, "Stay out of it Parker, you don't know shit" You said, "Y/n c'mon, we've known each other for almost a year, i know enough" Peter said, "Worst year of my life" You said and you walked outside, you went on a walk and decided to get your favourite coffee with your favourite slice of cake, "Can i get your order please?" The ober said, "A caramel latte with chocolate cake please" The ober nodded, 10 minutes later you got the cake, "I'm sorry but we are out of caramel, would you like something else?" The ober said, "Than a Latte please", You ate your cake and took your coffee with you back to the Compound.

"Where is my coffee?" Natasha said laughing, "Not here" You said laughing, "That was a bad joke" Tony said, "Just like your life" Steve said, everyone was laughing, "No but seriously Y/n, your back at such a good timing, the new recruit's will arrive any second" Natasha said, "What? B-But i thought they were gonna be here in 2 days?" You said, "Seems like our tough girl is a little nervous" Thor said, "No i'm just in a lot of pain" You said, at that second the door opens, you assume the new recruit's as you don't recognise any of them, until the last boy walks in, "You" You said, "Well looks like you already know Pietro, Pietro is Wanda's brother" Bruce said, "Brother? Why didn't you told me you had a brother?!" You said looking at Wanda, "I tried to this morning" Wanda said.

You've met all the new recruit's: Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Stephen Strange, Scott Lang, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson.

Clint arrived a bit later, but when he walks in your shocked, "C-Clint?" You said as you ran up to him and jumped into his arms, he holds you tight, you two stay like that for a while, until he let's go of you. "What are you doing here?", "I'm new obviously" Clint said, "Y/n, Darling will you show Clint and the others around?" Natasha said, "Of course Nat! Follow me everyone". And you start walking around the whole Compound.

After showing them around you went back to the others, but you miss someone, "Where's my dad?", "Y/n.. He's on a mission" Natasha said, "On his own?! That's dangerous!", "Steve can handle himself, he's Captaindouche after all" Tony said, "Shut up Tony, i'm going after him" You said, "That's too late, he left right after you showed the others around" Natasha said "Ughh" You walked to your room.

It was past 1 AM so everyone was already gone to bed, but Steve hasn't come back yet, you walked downstairs to get something to drink, as the elevator door went open and you saw your dad, he was badly injured, "Dad!" You ran to him right before he lost his balance and collapsed, "BRUCE!" You screamed, but no one heard you, "Shit, okay" You said, you layed Steve on the cough and you sat next to him, a few minutes later Wanda walked downstairs, "Y/n it's almost 1.30 AM, what are y-" But then she saw Steve, "Omg, i'll um.. I'll get Bruce!" She said as she ran upstairs, screaming Bruce's name, which made everyone awake, and in no time everyone was downstairs, Bruce took Steve to the lab.

You started crying and fell to the ground, Clint immediately ran up to you and sat beside you, he held you close to him whispering that it's gonna be okay.

To the boy that changed my life ||An Marvel Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now