Chapter 5

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✿ Reid's POV

She huffs.

“What have I ever done to you?”

I tilt my head.

“Well, you slapped my credit card out of my hand and pushed a cupcake into my—”

“Hey!” she scolds. “That was a rhetorical question, Armani!”

I nod.

“My bad—”

“But since it's very important to you there is an answer, I'll go first,” she tells me and moves away from the table.

“Actually you don't have to—”

“You cut me off on the road and nearly killed me!” she cuts me off. "You ruined my cupcakes, insulted me, and nearly ruined a nice girl's engagement party.”

My goddaughter... but that's not important.

“Then you—”

“You abused me with cupcakes” I interrupt.

A cupcake!” she defends. “You, however, abused me with several cupcakes!”

“Oh please” I scoff. “You didn't eat everything.”

“Because I threw it all up!” she defends. “I missed work and I had a terrible tummy ache! You put my perfect teeth in jeopardy, do you understand that?!”

I exhale deeply.

“Look, Lee—”

“Woah, woah!” she stops me.

I flick my eyes back and forth.

“We're not friends, freshie.”

“Freshie, Armani, pick one already woman” I mutter.

She narrows her eyes at me.

“You have no right to call me Lee. We're not friends.”

I nod.

“My apologies... ma'am.”

She rolls her eyes at me and returns to whatever she was doing.

“What do you want?”

I sigh.

“I need your help.”

“We're closed on Sundays. Come back tomorrow.”

“Wha... no. I don't need a baked good.”

“Like you'd even pay” she scoffs and mutters loud enough for me to hear.

“I need a favor... a huge favor.”


“I need you to come with me.”

She tilts her head to the side and quietly watches me. Then she sighs and shakes her head before speaking.

“Are you high?”

I frown.


“Are you high, Armani?”

I straighten my face.

“No, I—”

“Good. There's the door.”

She turns her attention to the dough she's kneading.

“Look, if this wasn't important, I wouldn't come here.”

“Of course, you wouldn't. You'd just trick me into delivering a cake to an old people's home and you'd slaughter me.”

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