Our life

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No one's POV:
3 months after Flowers crowning, She and Bee got married in the castle garden.
Bee was behind the door, waiting for her cue to walk out. Marie, who was the flower girl, was with her, smiling.
Marie was wearing a yellow sundress and white heels, she had purple and yellow flower petals in a small basket that she was to use on the walkway outside.
Bee, on the other hand, was in a white dress that fell down to her ankles. She isn't very good at walking in heels so she was in flat white dress shoes. Her hair was cut short and curly like usual, there was a veil draped over her face and she held a boquete of white and yellow flowers. Her dress had puffy sleeves that were see-through white, and her dress had a bit of a cape effect in the back at the end.
"You will be okay! Today is yours and flowers day, don't waste it by worrying!" Marie told bee, seconds before they were going to walk down the runway.
Just then, the cue for them to walk out was made.
The doors opened wide and Bee stepped out, taking care not to fall or tumble. The walkway was a purple carpet, leading up to a white arch decorated with yellow and purple flowers. Under the arch was a podium for the wedding initiator and he himself, and Flower.
Flower was dressed in a white button up with a black tie and black pants, rings and beautiful black earrings adorned her attire. Her hair was long and brown, with yellow tips at her tailbone. She, unlike Bee, wore black high heels that increase her height by 4 inches. They had small jewels imbedded into the heel to make them shine more.
Once Bee made it to the podium, she had to hold back tears. This is all she has ever wanted and more! Flower was barely able to breath due to the goddess in front of her, she was scared of the future, but ready for it. With bee and flowers together, they could do anything.
Silently sulking in the corner, Flowers mother was crying. Even if she didn't want flower to marry Bee, they looked goddamn god together! She was still happy for her daughter, regardless of who she were to be wed with.
"Do you, Flower Enderian, take Bee Hive as your lawfully wedded wife?" The wedding initiator asked flower.
"I do," she said, smiling happily.
"And do you, Bee Hive, take Flower Enderian as your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked Bee.
"I do!" She said, nodding happily.
"Then I now pronounce you, Married!" He declares, throwing his hands in the air, "You may now kiss the bride!"
And so they did, ensuring a life of ever lasting love for each other.
When Bee threw the boquete, Marie pushed multiple other girls to the floor to ensure that she alone would find love.

She never did.

But Marie did apply for the job of Bee's personal maid and get it. Marie and Bee spend meaningless hours together talking while Flower is gone. Flower successfully made peace with all rivaling kingdoms and now they come over every month for an annual dinner to discuss matters. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy all were able to advance their business with the money Flower gave them, going on to open multiple shops in different places. But they kept working in the current one, with flower and Bee stopping by occasionally. Edward went on to become a nascar driver and 'accidentally' ran over a LOT of people, which was turned into a stunt since she did it so often. How many points will she get this time? Millie ended up starting a small business with Edward, although she did most of the work. They sold candy for old people, it was supposed to 'bring them closer to their tomb' or whatever.
And so, everyone had a happy ending, Mostly. Arrow never was able to accept that Millie didn't like him, he ended up going back to his kingdom and becoming King. He was the only kingdom that Flower couldn't win over with generosity. He tried to start a war, but on his way to the Flower kingdom, was 'accidentally' run over by none other than Edward. Win win, right?
And so, years later, Flower and Bee were ready to expand their family. Through multiple long years of trying and failing, they were finally able to have a beautiful baby boy.

"Mama! Mom! Can you please read me this?" Noah said, holding up a book from their library to his mothers.
"Hehe, of course I can, come sit," flower said, sitting in a chair and gesturing to the floor in front of her.
"Thank you mama!" Noah said, sitting on the carpet in front of the fireplace.
As flower started reading, bee walked around the chair and sat on the armrest, following along with the story. She looked over to Noah, sitting on the floor. He had a big smile on his face and his curly chestnut brown hair was an unruly mess on his head. He was wearing overall shorts and a fuzzy swamp green sweater. His eyes were covered by little daisies, he got that from flower.
But altogether, he had the best life he could ever imagine. He was happy.

They were happy.

The End

902 words
Thank you so much for reading this, you really have no idea how much it means! I see every time one of you add this book to your reading list and it makes me so glad that you actually enjoyed this! So, for once and for all, thank you for reading this.
I might make a sequel in Noah's perspective, but if you want more Flower and Bee content, go check out my book 'A Broken Record' it is mainly angst and in a different universe.
But if you liked this, idk recommend it to your friends, if you have any. I'm always open to suggestions for alternative universes you might like to see flower and Bee in!

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