Chapter 1: Welcome to her world 1

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....she opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar room. She moved her eyes as reddened pupil slowly turned crimsom to normal. This wasnt like any other morning she usually had, characterised by an unnatural level of energy loss ,no...this time, she felt rather drained.. not supernaturally drained...HUMAN drained. Her heart skipped a bit as memories of that fateful night repeated in her mind. And the more they played the more reality struck that she had to face the consequences of yet another disastrous encounter...

"I dont want to talk about it..."
"But when.. when will you talk about it..when she has become of age huh. You know well that we can hide this from her anymore.She is growing very fast and the more we delay the more damage it will cause. "I.. i dont know what you want me to do"
She sighed "You know that we cant hesitate anymore Henry...20 years ago yes..but now she's growing more and more..And the more she grows..the stronger the urge...This secret has already claimed the lives of 17men..and she was only 16 and we had to move..Now 5men lost their lives in one want us to move again?"
"...its not our fault nor hers.Those men died because of their own selfish needs.How could they lust over a little girl.They were old enough to be her fathers, they deserved to die for their sins." He declared.
"Ohh really and what about Lucas..the neighbour's son.He was her childhood friend. He crushed on her and he died because of that little crush...besides that..dont you see what its doing to us? Shes constantly getting nightmares. Gregory keeps asking about them and we have to come up with excuses on the 'nightmares' and What will happen when she has to do it in her real form.When she herself has to do it personally....(sigh) Henry, we know we cant control her and neither can she control herself. Its only a matter of time before her alter ego grows and she has to release it... please think about it."
" not rea.."
"Aunt, uncle im home!"
The couple looked at each other and shook their heads. It was time to paste their 20 year old masks again...
"Good morning auntie"she kissed her cheek from behind."
"Morning my munchkin" she kissed the little girl who had bread crumbs all over her face.She giggled in delight why dangling her little legs from the chair.
"Morning my dear."
"Umm Smells great..i see you're already getting used to the new environment"she said taking a sit on the oposite chair.
"I have to..time waits for noone."
"But,i still dont ge...careful there munchy youll finish the whole tray and we wont have any for the sale... I dont get why we had to move. I was starting to like the place...right munchy" she said tickling the little girl on the chin, making her giggle now we move to this place where the possibility of meeting people is point zero zero three percent...and thats only you,  uncle and Ory."
"And what about you sister?" Asked the now bearded little girl with a confused yet cute look."
"(Giggle) look at you being all smart..of course im part of you." She didnt notice the slight change of her aunt's face when she mentioned that..
"Neither do I"she said unconsiously
"..what was that auntie?"
"Huh..umm nothing..hurry up Gregory, ure gonna be late for school." She said..clearly changing the subject.
The little girl on the chair got up.
"Can sister Ven take me to school today pl...."
"Thats enough now young lady...go Uncle Pierre is waiting for you." She shouted and the little girl looked at her sister before leaving with her head hanging. Ven was shocked but she didnt know how to bring it up. She just stood silent.
"Good morning my beautiful ladies"...

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