Chapter 14: Fatal Attraction 8

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It had been a week and a few days since Ven and Ory had been living at Flare's house. They had now gotten used to the city life. Like the morning rush to work. Ven had joined Flare at her workplace. Her boss had surprisingly agreed for Ven to work there. It surprised not only Flare, but her other collegues as well. Ory had been admissioned into a nearby school, which was surprising considering they hadnt paid the tuition but had promised to pay for it. Along with that, Ven had been expriencing some perculiar transformations. For instance, there was a time when they she had gone to buy some extra groceries when she came across some men with malicious intentions. Instead of pleading with them to leave her alone, she had resorted to fighting them. In the end, she had made them run away in fear, she couldnt quite remember how it came to be, but she was starting to enjoy her new avatar. She felt more confident and powerful. That day, they were on one of their days when they do not go to work. Ven had finally realised that the boss didnt need to actually give them such days, she had mastered the art of manipulation in a quite unusual manner. Flare thought it was all thanks to her training, ignoring the way Ven was taking a turn..a very different turn. 'So what do we today?' Flare asked. ''Well, we cant go out because we might run into people from work.' 'Ok then, so...' 'What happened?' 'Someone is coming.' 'Where, th..' Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Flare and Ven looked at each other. Flare went on to open the door. It was a postman. 'Its just the postman. How did you know he was there?' 'I dont know.' 'Hmm..i also thought they had weird stenches.' Flare said, making Ven giggle. 'What has he brought?' Flare opened the package, there was a letter. 'To Miss Rosel.hmm thats me...' She suddenly froze reading the letter. Ven noticed it.' What happened?' '...' She went closer to her and noticed a tear flowing down her cheek. 'Flare,' she called out. Her hands loosened and the letter fell. Ven reached for it and read it. 'It read,   My dear daughter, i know it comes with a huge surprise that i am writing to you after so long. I would like to start by apologising for the way we had to part ways the last time. Believe me, it was not my intention to push you away....I am hereby asking you, as your father to return home. You mother is not doing very well healthwise. I know its seems as though i am only you to come because of her, but i miss you my dear. We all do. Please come at the earliest. I love you my cupcake. With love ...Your Father.'
Ven was shocked, not only to find out Flare had parents, but that they seemed to know how and where their daughter was living. She went closer to her. 'I was starting to get used to living without them. Three years since i left home and living on my own, looking out for myself. Now they want me back. I always thought people without parents are unlucky, but then i realised, its better to not have parents, because then you can imagine thrm to be the best people in the world. You dont have to live with the pain of having parents who are never there for you. Parents that treat you more like an object thier child.' She wiped her tears. 'Well, i wont let them pull me back to that forsaken state. Come on now, Ory will be back soon, we have to prepare something for her to eat. You know how she gets.' Ven looked on as Flare blatantly ignored ther request. She of all knew whag it felt like to not have parents, to not even know what they looked like, to be a curse in the eyes of many. She didnt want Flare to live like that. Flare wasnt like her, she was bright and happy, she rarely cried, she was alwahs making her feel better. It was her time to be there for her. So, she walked inside her bedroom and took out a sutcase. She came back and went to the retro phone. 'Good day sir, i would like to inform you that Flare is not feeling well, so in the next couple of days she we will not be coming to work.' It sounder like a magic spell in the spell of their boss. 'Of course, sh can have all the time she needs. I wish her a quick recovery.' 'Thank you sir, have a pleasent day.' Flare looked at Ven in perplex. She followed her and found her packing both their clothes. 'Wh..what are you doing?' 'Im packing.' 'Oh, where are we going?' 'Home, your home.' She said it so casually Flare couldnt help but not believe her ears. 'what do you mean?' 'We are going to your home, Ory can stay at her teacher's house, i alreadh talked to her, she said its fine. We will go there for a few days and come back.' It would sound like a magic spell, but Flare was not like others. 'I dont understand, i dont want to go there.' Ven had started getting used to her gift, but it always never seemed to work on Flare and Ory ever since she discovered it. 'Look Flare, i dont wamt you live with the regret lf wishing you had gone there. You have to go and face this like a big girl. You have to ahow you parents that you hve become stronger than they could ever imagine. You have to face your fears head on, okay.' Flare got where she as coming from. It was her bestfriend , a sister advising her. She hugged her tight,  'Thank you sis Ven, you're the best.' Ven giggled. 'I though we were the same age.' No, you're older, that means i should call you big sis like Ory.' 'Youll have to tell Ory that. I dont think Ory will enjoy sharing me.' 'Of course she can. She even lets me do your hair now.' They both giggled and continued packing. The journey ahead seemed tough, but Flare knew with Ven by her side, theh would face it amd conquer. Nev knew with Flare by her side, they could conquer it all.

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