Chapter 13: Fatal Attraction: 7

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'Good morning everyone.' Ory's sweet voice filled the room, waking up Flare. 'Good morning princess Ory' Falre said in a cracky voice, where's Ven. Just then, she walked in, looking as bright as ever carrying a tray. 'Good morning ladies,  look whag i got.' 'Ory's eyes brightened as she gasped in bliss. 'French toast, yippy.' She clapped her little hands , making the older girls giggle in adoration. 'When did you wake up?' Flare asked getting her hands on the fresh and warm  piece of bread. 'Just in time to cook brrakfast. I wanted to surprise you both.' 'Oh my, thank you so much. I woke uo later than usual, thank goodness today im not going to work.' 'Oh, why is that.' Ven asked. 'We have days when we dont go to work, this is one of them.' Flare said, happy because.of her fairly understandable explanation. 'So, what do you do then?' Ven asked while wiping the crumbs off Ory's face. 'Well, i would usually sit at home doing nothing, but since we're here, i think we can do more fun stuff, oh, how about i show you around town.' 'Yeeyy, that would be great, can we sis Ven, can we can we.' Ory pleaded, giving Ven no choice but to say yes. 'Yeey..' So  Flare and Ory got out of bed. Flare noticed the very clean room. 'Oh you didnt have to.' She said, Ven realised she was talking about the room, deep down she knew she had to considering the odd smells that were starting to escape the room. 'Oh no, it was no trouble at all. It was a pleasure.' 'Thank you.' Flare said genuinely. They proceeded to freshen up. Meanwhile, Ven couldnt beat the weird feeling she had since morning, like something was going to happen. She pushed it to the back of head and continued. Flare walked into the living room. It was now more lively as Ven had done a dimes effort to clean the room. Flare couldnt help but tear up. Her house now looked like nothing her collegues chinwagged it to be. She ran to an unsuspecting Ven who had her back turned. In response, Ven turned instinctively,  reaching for her neck and violently pushing her back into the wall. With eyes crimson and hair flinging behind her,she pressed in to her neck. In the split instance, she realised it was Flare and let go in a panic to what had transpired. 'Oh my goodness Flare , i am so sorry.' She helped a franting Flare get up. She was still gasping and coughing for her breath. Ven reached for a glass of water and helped her drink it. 'Are you ok?' She asked worriedly. Flare nodded and smiled in reassurance. 'Goodness, i would swear you had super powers. Whatever you're eating, its giving you superhuman strength.' Flare humoured while still rubbing her bruised neck, but Ven was still very worried, 'No dont worry, im fine. Look, i am very fine. No need for worry.' But Ven wasnt buying it, she burst into tears. 'Noo please dont cry, Ven please.' Ory walked in to the scene ans wondered what had happened. 'Sis Ven, why, why are you crying?' 'Well you see, she thought something had happened to me, but im fine, look Ory, im fine right.' Ory nodded with teary eyes. 'See, even Ory sees im fine, no ned to cry, look, i have been thinking of a few places we can go to for our day out. Have you ever tasted ice cream? Its the best ever.' Ven couldnt help but smile in between her tears. 'I have eaten ice cream.' She replied, giggling to Flares flivol. 'That settles it, but im a bit sad.' Ven's eyebrows wrinkled with a building worry. 'You didnt say anything about my dress. I bought it with my furst pay check. It was on sale.' Flare said confidently twirling like a little girl. The girls burst into laughter. 'You look very pretty.' Ven said making Flare smile. 'Come on now, lets go.' Ven said. Flare quickly went inside to get a matching scarf and put it around her neck. She had put it on as part of her oufit, but it had serves more to hide th ugly bruise on her neck.
The girls walked around town looking at all different sorts of places. Ven and Ory were very happy to see this part of town. It was not only busy, but brighter. Everyone looked busy. They stayed very close to Flare in fear of getting lost. 'Wow look at that.' Ory said pointing at a giant statue. Ven was more interested in the book stores. Flare noticed it,  'Why dont you go take a look?' Ven looked at her, 'Its ok, Ory and I will go ait over there, im sure she must be tired and hungry. We'll be over there waiting for you.' Flare assured and Ven walked into what seemed to be a small archaic bookstore. The designing of the entrance caught her attention. On entering, a man behind a counter looked in surprise. It was rare for people to walk inside with eyes filled with so much inquisition. Most people just walked in wanting to ask for directions to other, more morden stores. He observed Ven. 'Welcome' he said in a warm voice. Ven smiled back at him and made a little bow in greeting. She studied the books on the shelves. Most of them seemed to be of ancient mythology, pretty old and a bit out of shape. As if they themselves had experienced the stories written in them. 'Any specific book.' He asked calmly. 'No, im just looking around.' 'Haa, i have somethinh for people looking around.' Ven tilted her head in query. The middle aged man walked towards a shelf and searched through as if knowing exactly what she was looking for. 'Right, maybe you could try this one.' He handed it to her. It was more of an ancient journal. Ven looked at the man in query. The man smiled and went back to his counter. Ven studied the book and came across a price tag. It was pretty costly. 'I dont have any money.' The man  chuckled. 'Its on the house.' Ven was more confused. 'Isnt it what you young people say?' Ven shook her head. 'Go on, take it, you need it more than i do.' Ven hesitantly walked out of the store, still perplexed, leaving the man laughing in his own company.

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