Chapter 3 :Who She Is 1

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'Master Grey...i have returned...'said Rooney walking into the Grandmaster's office. The old man remained silent as he was deeply emmersed in looking at the potrait on the wall. Rooney sighed, knowing what hewas thinking. 'Do you think he will come this time?' Rooney remained silent..not knowing what to say ..but he knew it would be disrespectful. 'Im sure he will Master.' He said...not sure if he was assuring his Master or himself. As soon as he stepped out, he couldnt get the idea of what transpired back at the Yiegitz's residence. He wondered what supernatural affiliation had happened between him and the young lady there. In all his 50 years he had never thought he would be drawn to this type of feeling..especially with a child who was young enough to be his granddaughter...'Oh dear..what atrocity is this.' He said to himself in disbelief, knowing this was not going to come to pass...

Later that night...

Right in the middle of the night...she came. Adorned in magnificent straps of cloths.Glistening in mauve and fuchsia...or was it violet. Her skin looked so smooth as she flew infront of his room. The straps only covered bits of her pudenda...which added on to the erotic view. As she came closer to him...she smiled and he found himself smiling back his breathing increased, he swallowes hard as his lust got the best of his senses and he lost control of them. She whispered into his ears, teasing him even more awakening the monstrous side of his masculinity 'je t'ai jete mon sort' she said..and right at that moment, his wildest dreams came true for the first ...and last time...

At the Yiegitz's residence...

In the morning ...

'Henry..Henry wake up' Mary shook her husband as tears flowed down her cheeks...' Henry please...please' she shook vigorously but deep down she knew he was gone..He had finally succumbed to his guilty pleasures. She was angry at both him and the cause as much as she didnt wanna blame him, she knew it was also his fault. She finally let go of his lifeless body. Just then there was a knock, 'Aunty are u ok..i heard cries..are you ok?' She looked at the door..and she knew on the other side..was the cause of her nightmares. The cause of the pain and sorrow. She violently got off the bed and opened the door. Just as soon as she opened, she grabbed the unsuspecting girl by the hair, she pulled her inside the room and screamed why shaking her head. 'Youu you killed killed my husband, you did this..i will kill you' the middle aged woman screamed her lungs out. Ven tried to get off her clutch but the grib was too strong, she just cried in pain. 'Aunty please you're hurting me'.But it fell on deaf ears. In the other room, Ory woke up to the screams and the little girl ran to the other room. She was shocked at the sight.On one side there was her mother holding her sister's hair shaking her and on the other was the sight of her father who was sleeping on the bed. The little confused bug didnt what to do..she found herself crying as well. She ran out of the room and house and went straight to their farmer, Jack. Jack looked at the little girl's bewildered face and knew somthing was wrong...he didnt wait any longer and ran torwads the house. No sooner had he entered when he heard the sounds coming from the upper rooms. He found the sight shocking as well..but unlike the little girl, he went and tried to break the old lady's grip. After a while..he managed to break it and left the old woman crying as she went back to the bed to her cold husband. Ven, who was still catching her breath crumbed her little body against the wall in fright. Jack tried to comprehend what was before him but didnt know where to start...

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