Chapter 9: Fatal Attraction 3

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At the Grey Mansion
'Did you feel it too (cough cough)?' 'Ye..yes master i did. This dark entity is more powerful than i imagined.' He said supporting his master. 'He ...needs here...tell hi..him to' The old man said with an agitated jerk.' 'Ye..y..yes master he will come he will.' 'Why are you lying to him Rooney, we all know he wont come.' Said the annoyed young man who was angry at his limited abilities. 'Young Master, do not say that.' 'It won't change anything Rooney, we are just wasting our time.' There was then a moment of silence as the two men looked at their master, whose health was slowly deteriorating. 'He will come, grandson...wi..will come to me.'
'You told me this would work.It didnt wor..' 'Watch your tone. I gave you what you wanted.' 'But, how come she resisted, she was able to withset the spell. Something was blocking ...' '...someone!' Ambrosia's irises disappeared as she transcended. Etta observed the sorceress intently. 'This is no ordinary girl. She is not a human, the blood that flows in her veins is powerful, she is a descended of a the illustrious  "Femmes Belles Et Rusees" Dynasty.' 'What is that?' 'It was..or rather is a very powerful matriachy of the most powerful creatures. Etta's mind blanked out in shock, not believing what she had just heard. If the girl was as powerful as Ambrosia had put her out to be, then there was a big problem. 'So how am i going to control her?' ' (deep throat laugh witchy laugh) worry not, just follow the plan. In fact, she is now our killer weapon.' ' we can still..' 'Dont say it out loud, the walls have ears.' 'Ohh' Ambrosia face palmed 'You siblings are such morons. First i had to deal with the older one, now this one too.' Ambrosia remark as Etta giddly walked out of her house wrapping a cloth around her head. 'Pff, they cover their faces as if they cant be seen.'

At the peak of the night...
'The time is soon to arrive. Rise!' She rose from her slumber , adorned in the mauve and violet straps that enhanced her beauty and the desire or men. 'You are soon to BE, get ready to BE.' At that moment, the night light shone apon her and revealed her magnificence. Her body illuminating a vibrant aura, her avatar slowly waking from its deep state of hibernation. 'Two fortnights from this day,  you will BE what you are meant to BE. 'Rendre Disponible!'
And then, as suddenly as she had woken up, she went back to sleep. Dreaming of the soul that had attracted her.
'Young Master, young master wake up.' Rooney vigoroualy shook him from his perilious sleep. He shook violently, inticating death's approach. Without waiting longer, Rooney smeared the essence on him and he jerked intensely gasping for dear air...and life. Rooney heaved in relief, glad he had been able to save the young master in the nick of time. 'But what of the Dark Entity?'

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