Chapter 12:Fatal Attraction 6

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Ven was still pondering on what had occured at the pastry shop. She didnt even realise when she had arrived at the waistress' one bedroom flat. She opened the door with Ven and Ory still waiting a few paces behind holding each other closely. The waitress was a little amused by the two. 'Come in come in' she said in joy. Ven followed behind hesitantly and was surprised the house was in a horrific state. 'Please excuse the mess, i hardly get any visitors.' 'Are visitors the only reason you tidy up your home here.' She asked aloud but with no offence. 'Ha ha, silly me. I was just running a little late so i didnt have time to clean up.' She said, feeling good about her excuse. It was pretty evident that the room had been like that for a very long time. But Ven chose to keep quiet. 'Please sit' she said pushing aside a pile of clothes to make just enough space for the two to sit. She sat on the armrest.' 'I know that you might be wondering why i brought you here but, i couldnt help it. I just felt like i needed to. And if we can be honest, Morris would have kicked you out.' She burst into laughter and stopped when she realised she was the only one laughing. To her surprise, Ven giggled too and so did Ory. That was a start. 'By the way, im Flare, Flare Rosel.' Feeling a lot more lighthearted, Ven replied, 'im Raven Yiegitz, this is..' 'I can say my own name. Im Gregory Liliana Yiegitz. But you can call me Ory' she said proudly and Flare was impressed with the seemingly little girl's confidence. 'Pleased to meet you Flare.' 'Ncwoo..pleased to meet you too cute Ory.' She said touching her little chin. Ven couldnt help but smile. Later that day the girls got to know each other. Ven explained her situation, of course leaving out the  inexplicably supernatural parts. 'Oh no, thats so sad. I cant imagine how you must feel. But dont worry you can stay for as long as you like. Im so glad i get to have company.' 'Thank you for welcoming us. I have never really been in this part of the country, everything seems so different here, time seems to.move faster, so does everyone.' 'Yes, thats the city side for you. I really wish i could go to your part of the country, it seems so peaceful and calm, well besides your killer aunty.' They both giggled. 'Maybe when everything is back to normal, i can take you there.' 'I would very much love that.' 'Wow, speaking of which, is anyone else hungry?' 'I am' squemed Ory reminding them of her presence. 'Good, I'll make us something to eat' said Flare getting walking to the kitchen. 'I can help.' Ven said following her, not giving her a chance to dispute. It seemed the kitchen was in a much much better state than the rest of the house. 'I love cooking' confessed Flare said.
The girls had fallen asleep peacefully after the tiresome day. The midnight moon shore brightly through the open window. The wind blew through , making a soft eolian sound which would otherwise sound scary. Unlike any random wind, it was accompanied by a presence which occupied the room, creating an unfamiliar shadow. For a while it hovered over the girls. Suddenly, Ven's eyes sprung open, with their hypnotising scarlet shade glowing in the moonlight. She arose from her in her trance, leaving a space i  between the two deeply slumbered girls. She walked gracefully towards the door, and stood in under the open sky. 'It is almost time' the presence said. The two continued conversing inaudibly. As the nighter grew older, and the sun's rays escaped through the landscape, a new day began, moving closer to the fateful day.

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