Chapter 8:Fatal Attraction 2

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The moment Etta stepped into the Master's room, she burst out in a dramatic wail. She reached for the poor man's feet. 'Excuse me ma'am,  can you be keep it down, the master would appreciate some peace and quiet.' Said the nurse in charge in a dominant gaze. 'All of us would appreciate it' said Ven inwardly. 'Why is she crying like he's not alive or something?' 'Im wondering the same thing' another voice said making her jump in her. ' sorry.' She stuttered embarassed by her thinking aloud. The voice's owner chuckled, making her more embarassed. A moment of silence between the two followed, besides Etta's snorts here and there. 'Do you want to go out for a while, this doesnt seem like its ending anytime soon.?' Ven was in a dilemma whether to go with the good looking stranger or stay and witness the vile charade. Fortunately the stranger read her mind and they were on their way outside. Ven smiled and inhaled deeply the fresh and inviting air. 'So you never told me your name.' Ven openned her eyes and looked at the stranger. Again, she found herself in that trance then quickly shifted her gaze tucking a hair strand behind her ear. 'Raven but you can call me Ven.' 'Raven, a unique name for a unique girl, ive never seen you before.' 'You forgot ro tell me your name.' She said clearly averting from the remark. The young man just smiled at the adorable act made by the girl. 'Damien, Damien Grey.' Wait a minute, Grey. Ven's eyes popped out their sockets when it came to mind that she hadnt asked herself what he was doing there or his relationship with the Greys. '...Grey Are you related to the Master.' 'Well, yes..he's my grandfather.' Right then all of Ven's senses were distorted. 'Oh my goodness..Master...i mean young master im so sorry.' She said bowing countless times. 'Hey hey, i didnt tell you this wanting you to treat me like this.' Confused Ven bowed once more, apologising for, apologising and she apologised more for that. Damien couldnt help but laugh at the adorable girl and he found her more attractive. 'Ok ok, if you want me to forgive you, you have to promise me, one, you will only address me as Damien,  two, you wont apologise anymore.' 'Ye...yes young master, i mean Damien sir.' He sighed and shook his head while smiling.
The rest of the day was pleasant as the two made acquintace to each other. They enjoyed each other's company. He found her very fascinating and he wanted to get to know her more. Her innocence and purity made him even more drawn to her. She on the other hand, had never imagined her first day out would turn out like that. Meeting the grandson of the Grey family and conversing with him so casually. 'So which school did you go to?' 'I was actually home schooled. I had a rare medical condition where i wasnt supposed to go out and interact with too many people, except my family.'Well thats what they told me.' As she told the story, it didnt look like any memory she had experienced, not even the trances and visions she had grown used to formed in her head. As if it wasnt her experience. Noticing the change in expression, Damien decided to rather change the subject, until Etta called out to her,  looks like she was done with her charade. 'I have to say good bye.' She smiled shyly and bowed before turning her back, leaving Damien who was still mesmerized and couldnt help but stare. 'Until we meet again milady.'
The journey back home was both silent and ominous. Ven kept feeling uneasy. The woman next to her was emmitting some dark energy and she couldnt point a finger around it. She was humming a portentous tune and the more she listened to it, the more it got to her head. 'resister' a voice said and she snapped out of it, Etta felt it too as she snapped out as well with a gasp. Ven qucikly stepped out of the car as they had fortunately reached home. Etta who was left bewildered thought,  'I..impossible. There's no way.'

Inside the house, Ven was yet in another trance, reminiscing on all the afternoon's events. But these weren't the ones she had experienced, but Etta's. ' le danger arrive. Faire attention.' Indeed,  danger was coming...

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