Chapter 6:Who She Is 3 continuation

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She arrived at the now gloomier than ever house she used to call a home. She walked subconsciously inside, still trying to get her mind around she had heard. 'Sis Ven you're back, where were you, look what auntie Henrietta brought me' the cheery voice gleamed twirling around holding her pink cute princess dress. 'Ven half smiled and kissed the little girl's cheeks, bracing herself for the coming confrontation.
The two women sat vis-a-vis at the table with the Englishman standing next to the other, neither ready to break the silence, apart from Ory's voice that could be heard from outside. 'Delightful right.' The woman finally said. The man decided to make his presence known as well. He took out a bunch of documents from his briefcase.'Good day ma'am' he greeted in a strong British accent.'m afraid i dont quite bear good news.' Ven looked at Henrietta in confusion.'I bring news about the developments on the case of the minor, Gregory Liliana Yiegitz. Ms Yiegitz here as the sore beneficiary of the late Mr Yiegitz's belongings, is to be given full cu' 'Excuse me belonging, Ory is not a belonging' 'stody and house with immediate effect.' He finished reading, blatantly ignoring Ven's outburst.'Thats impossible, Auntie Mary is the beneficiary, that document is fake.' 'This 'document' happens to be the will of Mr Yiegitz and considering the mental state of Mrs Yiegitz, Ms Henrietta is the second.' 'Aunt Mary is not crazy!' 'So you are trying to say that whatever she was accusing you of true?' Henrietta said spitefully.'I...i' Ven lowered her head in defeat, she knew she couldnt do anything and that made her heart bleed. She looked out the window and looked at the little joyful girl. 'What do you want me to do' 'Good girl, you can always choose to stay here, i wont throw you out of the house. You will just do a little work here and there. And speaking of which, i am having a house warming party and I'll need the house at its best appearance.' She stayed getting up dramatically.' Thank you Stewart dear' 'Im always at your service Madame and good day.' said the lawyer making his way out. 'Well dont just sit there we havent gotten all day.'' I dont understand, when is this event taking place.' 'Oh you dont have to worry about that my dear.'she said swaying her behind climbing the stairs.


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