Chapter 11: Fatal Attraction 5

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It had been two weeks already and Ven had still not figured out what to do. The pressures were mounting on and a big burden had been lain perfectly on her shoulders. As for witch Etta, she had already commenced with her vile plans. A notice had arrived from Ory's school stating that her school fees was due. Etta had intentionally delayed the payment to frighten Ven...and it worked. Now she was in the witch's habour (her bedroom).
'What!!!!?? No i refuse to do something so absurd. I will not let you force me to do your wicked deeds.' 'You dont have much of a choice my dear, if you want to save little Gregory.' 'Do whatever you want. I would rather live in the gutters than do that atrocity. Ory and I can survive,  as a matter of fact,  we are leaving this place!' She did not stay longer to hear Etta's reply. She stumped to her room and packed her bags along with Ory's. 'You cannot leave this place unless you want the police officers to throw you in pri..' 'I would most definitely like to see them try!' At that moment a gusty wind blew up the curtains as if a storm was imminent. But then, it had been another blue,  clear sky. No anticipations for...this. Ven's voice had changed too and her eyes had glew into a faint yet evident crimson shade. Her hair blowing away to where the wind desired. She violently pushed off Henrietta from her path and walked out, leaving a dark reminance that made Etta's skin crawl. 'It has begun.' She said in awe...

In Ambrosia's Cabin

'You should have seen what she looked like, it was the most pertrifying thing i have ever seen. She looked just like it, just like her.' 'She is her you foolish woman!.' 'What do we do,  i couldnt stop her from leaving. She left with the little brat. The party is happening in a fortnight and now the plan cannot forthgo without her.' Etta kvetched the obvious. 'I already know that.' Ambrosia resumed her long moment of contemplation. And then almost immediately, her dark lips curved into a malevolent smile and Etta joined in as they exchanged the dark gazes.

Somewhere in the outland.

'Hey watch where you're going!' 'Are you stupid or what?' 'Go and die somewhere else!' Angry drivers shouted at the poor girls who were unfamiliar with the new environment. They held onto each other while the older one held their lagguage too. They left their warm and cozy home and found theirselves here. It had been a surprise to Ven when Ory was blissed when she saw her carrying the lagguage. She also seemed eager to leave and had been waiting for the day. That made Ven feel better as she did not want to end up feeling guilty for making Ory leave without her will. They now had only each other in the new world. After a long while of attempted pulverisation, they finally made it to the less traffic infested side. Ven would occasionally check on Ory but the little girl seemed thrilled and excited with the whole venture. 'Sis Ven sis Ven look.' She said pulling her hem pointing at a shop that had varieties of eyecatching cakes and pies displayed on its oversized window. 'What an intelligent way to draw customers. How do these people resist and walk away like this? Must take an exceptional level of skills to do this.' Ven thought inwardly while drooling at the sight. 'Come come Ory lets get a taste.' The two girls walked hand in hand into the shop which made a beautiful sound on their entry. They found an empty table and sat in anticipation. As soon as they sat,  a woman dressed in a what looked like a  uniform came to them. 'Good day, may i take your order?' She asked while holding a little book and a pen. Ven looked in confusion and figured that maybe she was asking what they wanted. The innocent girl confidently pointed at the huge cherry top cake displayed at the window, to which the rather kind waitress understood. 'I'll get it right away.' The two girls looked around with glee and occasionally found theselves giggling like little kids doing somethung mischievious. After a while, the waitress came back with two pieces of the cake. To her amazement, Ven looked at the cake still positioned by the window. The waitress noticed the girl's expression and giggled. 'Please enjoy.' The two girls ate the dessert like they had been feeding on bitter goud for a lifetime, well technically they had been feeding on a (person who's name shall not be mentioned on this blissful day)'s bitterness. So they deserved to enjoy themselves. From afar, the waitress noticed the girls and found herself smiling on watching them. She wondered what exactly about them made her feel so much joy from within. 'Hey dont just stand there get to work' the horrid sound of her boss' voice disturbed her moment of happiness. But before she left, she had noticed the worry on the older girl's face when the bill was given to them. Meanwhile...
Ven almost threw the cake she had just eaten when another waiter came and brought upon her a paper which had numbers with money signs on them. 'Goodness me' she remarked,  thinking about then few coins she had been left with. 'Ma'am is everything ok?' The awaiting waiting asked in a sarcastic tone. 'Umm...i..we..' 'Oh dont worry Bill, they already paid, here's the money plus the tip.' The waitress came to their rescue as she handed the notes to the waiter who left in shame and mockery. Ven looked at the waitress in perplexity. 'Come in what are waiting for, lets go home.' As if it couldnt get even worse...

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