Chapter 4: Who She Is 2

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The rain violently poured as the box slowly descended into the hole. The people watched in sorrow and some still in shock as the events of the previous weeks kept replaying in their heads. Ory squeezed her little body against Ven's as she looked with innocence. Surely, they didnt imagine wearing the ominous black outfits this early . As for Ven, she still couldnt bring herself to accept what happened, what had happened? Well, the same reason auntt Mary couldnt be at her own husband's funeral. The poor lady couldnt take it to an extend where she lost her mind..or did she? She had started saying unusual things and screaming at Ven, repeating the words 'You killed my husband you witch' over and over again. They had taken her to thw hospital and they had to admit her into the mental ward as her condition became serious, so serious that she attempted to stab Ven a couple of times. The arrival of uncle Henry's allerged cousin sister didnt make things any better, now she wanted Ory's custody and the house ownership
After the funeral, everyone went to their respective homes even the aunty, talk about making an entrance. Ven still hadnt thought of what they would do, they had lost both their pillars and she didnt know what to do. I mean she was just 20 on her way to 21, she had no experience to life like others. Her whole life had been spent with her family, no friends, no relationships, she was practically a house mouse. Now she had step out of her comfort zone, for Ory at least.But how, she hadn't been in a school ever since the incident that happened when she was 16...the reason they moved the first time. She still hadnt gotten her answers and tge people that could have answered her were gone.. 'Big sis Ven, when is mommy coming back home?' Asked Ory as Ven tucked her into bed. The little girl was copying more with her father's death that she thought, or maybe she was still in shock. 'Soon munckin ' she knew she was lying to the both of them. She stared for a while, looking at the sleeping girl, wishing she could also fall easily too. As she laid in her own bed, she tried to make something out of her own nighmares. She still couldnt figure out what was happening, the inexplicable voice in her head or how she suddenly lost her energy often. Back then, it was occasional, her aunt had told her it was just a normal 'phase he inexplicable feelings. Not to mention the faces and voices she had been hearing. She rememberd hearing some foreign language. A girl who spent her whole life with her shifting from one country side cabin to the other, she did nt remember learning any unfamiliar language, not even at school.'What is happening to me?' She asked her self..but found herself sleeping without an answer..

Upon the midst of the night, the clock comin into its final our, she rose from her horirific nightmare, sweat beads on her and her heart thumping as she gasped for breathe..No sooner had she woken up had she felt a heavy aura around her. She was met with the pitch darkness of the room. 'Who...who's there?' She asked in a shakey and unsteady voice. Instead of getting an answer, she was responded to by a melodious and angelic hum. It seemed to hypnotise her, but...that wasnt the case, i was her being hypnotised, but her hypnotising. She found herself humming alone to the tune and moving her head with her eyes closed. She didnt notice herself floating ontop of her bed, as a vibrant glow of violet, mauve and fuchsia formed around her. Just then, a sudden and vigorous knock came on thw door, interrapting the possibly dangerous transformation at its peak. Ven who was now back to sleep woke up to the sound of the knock and lazily drsgged herself. 'Sis Ven, im scared.'

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