Chapter 10 :Fatal Attraction 4

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'Sis Ven,  sis Ven' Ory knocked on Ven's door while calling out to her. After a long while of shouting, the room slowly opened to reveal a not so good looking girl. 'Are you ok sis Ven?' 'Y..yes Ory ..sorry i overslept..come on lets get you ready for school.' The little girl held her mouth with a giggle. 'Sis Ven, today is a Saturday.' Ven laughed too at her silliness. 'So do you want breakfast?' 'No no, aunt Etta has already made some. She told me to come get you.' Raven's heart skipped a beat and she quickly snapped back to her consiousness. 'What? Are you ok. Is anything hurting?' She asked touching Ory's face to which the little girl responded with another giggle. 'Sis Ven today you are acting very weirdly. Come now your food might get cold.' She said pulling her worried sister. On reaching the kitchen dining room, Ven almost passed out at the sight before her. Queen Henrietta flour-covered face in an apron doing who knows what. She felt her knees getting weak, besides the fatigue she woke up with, thinking about what little Ory said about 'already having had' breakfast, until she saw another woman, their old house helper doing the dishes. 'Look Sis Ven, aunt Etta said she was practising baking a cake for your birthday next month.' Then it came to her mind. She had actually forgotten about her own birthday. But still, that did not justify Etta's sudden, very sudden change in behaviour. She was up to something...
There was now only the two of them in the kitchen. Etta had cleaned herself and gotten back to being the queen she ought herself to be. 'What do you want Henrietta?' 'Oh my oh my, is that how you speak to your elders now.' She scoffed scornfully to which Ven just rolled her eyes to. 'Very well, i have a little proposition for you' Ven looked at the woman with an indifferent look. 'My dear, you could at least show some enthusiasm' she said reached out to rub her chin but she shook it off. She was about to leave until. 'I can give you little Gregory if you agree....but if you dont, she will just have to get used to foster house food, bed and a lower class school.' She said sipping a hot cup of goodness knows what. That made Ven stop in her tracks and she turned. 'You wont do anything to Ory!' 'Oh no i wont,  just as long as you do what i say.' '..why..why are you so wicked?' She said her eyes tearing. She responded with a loud cackle. 'My dear,  you cant get anywhere in this world being all nice. Where is  your dear uncle now? Not even the sun can shine upon his doleful self.' Ven was left hearbroken and frail. She had to save her little sister, not having any choice but to adhere to the witch's demands...?
After a long moment of laying down and reminiscing, Ven suddenly rose from her bed as events of the previous night recurred in her head. "Two fortnight"  '(gasp) thats two weeks.' She ran to the calendar on the wall. 'Thats, thats the same day i was born. I will be twenty-one in four weeks!' She whispered to herself, brainstorming everything. But one thing was still amiss, how was she going to figure things out. Where would she get the answers to all these questions? Time was flying by and the mysteries kept unfolding. What else was she to discover?...

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