Chapter 5 Who She Is 3

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'Right this way maam, Im gonna need you to take absolute caution of your belongs, they could be stolen or used as a weapons. Most of the people here have been trying to commit suicide for more than six to seven times at least. The patient in this room particularly. I understamd shes your aunt right?' 'Yes doctor, she is' 'I will be standing out here, just in case.' Ven walked into the room. She was met with the white walls. The moment she stepped in, the door disappeared into the wall. Her eyes met the now tiny and disoriented figure balled up in the far corner of the room, tied up in a straightjacket. Her eyes became bitter withe tears, she tried hard to stop them from flowing but was all in vain. She turned her back wiping the tears when she heard. 'You have finally decided to come and claim your reward. Seeing me like this must be making your heart leap with joy.', she mumbled in a voice ever so gentle and low. One thing was made sure to Ven, her aunt wasn't crazy but what was wrong then. She was about to find out.
'Please tell me whats going on' she managed to ask after a long moment of silence.
'If you want to know whats happening, go ask the same person who brought you into our lives, your father.' Ven couldnt believe her ears. It took a long moment to rethink through the words she had just heard. ' faher?' Mary responed with a hysterical laugh. 'You are surprised right. Yes your own father, hes alive and he knows well what you want to ask. He abadoned you and gave us to you to take care of. We thought it was a nice bargain, little did we know it was all a trap. He ran away to start a new life with a new family. Now he's living large and here we are...' She didnt realise when she her mind went into a transcendence. As if everything Mary was saying became visions of a past she knew nothing about...until now. Her mother giving to her and giving her to her father. Her father crying after her mother's death. Wait a minute, now that she thought of it, the woman looked very familiar. She always came into her dreams but she always forgot her face when she woke up. 'Excuse me ma'am, visiting hours have come to an end' she came back from her trance. 'Ok a few minutes please.' 'Im afraid not ma'am, its all protocol.' She turned back to her aunt, who still had her head bowed the entire time. 'Auntie, whe..where is her where do i find him?' She asked as the security guard escorted her outside. But now her aunt seemed like she was now in her own trance. She began screaming and fighting herself. Ven was beyond shocked. How come the sae person she had been talkin to a while back was...She needed to find her father real quick, but how?

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