Chapter 7: Fatal Attraction 1

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Three days, it took three days for Henrietta to completely transform the house. Everything that resembled Henry and Mary and even Ory was taken out. Ven had managed to sneak in a tiny photo of the family, one when Ory was still a little baby back into the house, without Etta's knowledge of course. Now she was busy cleaning up the rest of the house for the 47th time. Like what Etta said 'clean it to perfection'. Ory was at school after she had baffled with her on why she was wearing a servant's uniform, which was pretty ugly and worn out, not to forget her sudden change in dressing sense. She didnt know how she convinced her before her miserable aunt had bruised her little heart with the harsh truth. A knock came at the door and it was Jack. Etta had been kind enough to let him stay after firing most of the workers. He got to stay because he could handle the farm well. He came in taking off his basket woven hat. 'Good day, is the madam here?' Ven bowed to the greeting. 'Yes she's inside.' Jack walked into the house and saw the woman who was busy sipping a cup of tea while on the telephone. He cleared his throat to make his presence known. 'Yes yes dear I'll talk to you later' 'What brings you here Jack?' 'Good day ma'am, Master Grey's haulers arrived and the delivery was successfully made.' 'Good good thats what i pay you do. Now go o...' 'Well ma'am theres more news...The Master isnt doing too well so he wont be able to come to your party.' Right then,  those words caught Etta's attention. She was now on her feet. 'What?' She wasnt shocked by the health state of Master Grey,  but rather him not being able to make it. She had been looking forward to his presence as his family was the most influential and wealthiest family in the land. She had been looking forward to bragging to her circle of friends. Sensing the rising tension,  Jack bowed and left the room quickly. Ven who was eavesdropping from the kitchen was startled when Etta called her name. '..yes..yes ma'am' she said trying to hide her shaky voice 'Go and put on something nice  and clean yourself...we're going on a little trip.'
Later that day

The steel black gate opened and revealed the majestic landscape of the Grey Residence. Everything was to perfection. From the water below to the trees above, everything was perfect and  harmonious. Ven couldnt help but gasp in amazement. She had never imagined such places existed, other than the ones she had read a couple of times in old books. As the car drove,  everything moved in a sequence which added to the magnificent artistry. 'Don't get used to this. Its only for today.'said the unnerving voice of Etta. Wait-a-go ruining things. Ven just huffed inwardly and resumed adoring the beautiful sight. It took quite some time to reach the main entrance, but it was all worth it as one could take their time absorbing the marvelous scenery. Stepping out of the car in her ridiculously high shoes, Etta walked in her most elegant style showing off the most expensive cloak in her entire wardrobe. Ven huffed at she was the dramatic horse-lady walk.On the other hand, she had gone for something simple but it still revealed her inner and outer beauty. She remembered how she miraculously convinced Etta to wear it when she had gotten her a rather...unpleasant outfit. The guards escorted them towards the main entrance as Etta kept talking non stop. Ven felt pity for the poor guard who was by her side. Who served as both an acquintance and an upholder to stop her from falling to her death. She caught sight of the prodigious building she was about to enter. The architectural grandeur of the walls revealed it had been there for a long time and that made it further astounding. 'Wow' was all she could mutter. The main colour being grey, the owner really made it of utmost importance to exhibit the family's heritage and overall pride to have its ownership. Splendid indeed.
The moment they stepped into the mansion, Ven felt her heart beat in enthusiasm as she anticipated more beautiful sights. She got it. The interior design was to perfection as the furniture complimented it. Everything was spotless and the helper in her also elegant uniform was still dusting the already spotless furniture.. 'Aristrocrates are very health cautious' she mumbled and giggled inwardly. As she walked a little closely behind Etta, she caught sight of another beautiful sight,  and it also caught sight of her. That moment, she felt her heart skipping a beat as her breathe became irregular. Butterflies flattered in her abdomen as time stood still , the two sights sharing glances of each other, taking in each other's sights in continuous harmony. Was this the start of a new story. Is this the start of a new story...Only one way to find out...

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