Chapter 16:Fatal Attraction 10

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'Right this way ma'am' 'Will you come with me?' She looked at her with questioning eyes. 'Yes, you two may go in.' The last time Ven had visited the hospital was to see her aunt. Now that she thought of it, she never remembered going to hospital for treatment in her entire life. It felt weird being in that space. Besides the aweful smell bitter smell of antiseptic with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners, the place didnt really seem like a place people would get better in. 'Maybe people get better just so they can escape the dreaded atmosphere' she thought. Her eyes caught sight of the pale fleshed woman on the bed. The state of the body was a clear indication of the pain she was in. Walking closer, she noticed the undeniable resemblance they both had. Flare moved closer, reaching her hands to her face, with tears in her eyes. Something about that sight made Ven feel rather sad. She had never seen her mother nevertheless missed her, but tha scene somehow made her cogniscient of a feeling she never knew existed within her. 'Hello mother, im here, your little cupcake is here.' Flare said, sniffing a few tears but smiling, as if her mother was watching her. 'I even brought my friend here with me.... I missed you mother. I know i never called but, but i missed you very much.' Ven couldnt take it anymore, she decided to excuse herself and stepped out. On stepping out, everyone suddenly kept quiey. She studied their eyes and they were filled with a lot more than just sadness. There was a lot of tension in the room, but she decided to misheed it, for now. She walked further away, thats when she noticed Mr Rosel on the phone. It wasnt her intention to eavesdrop, but her instincts were telling her to listen. 'Im telling you what i saw.' He shouted softly. 'My daughter brought her along and, im afraid it is what we fear most.' '...' 'There's just no way it could all be just a mere coincidence.' '...' 'The resemblance is just unmissable. Im sure she must be' She accidentally knocked a vase but quickly hid away. 'I...I'll call you back later. No, i will visit you tonight. I cant risk everyone else finding out. Im sure they all the same suspicions now. Good bye.' He hung up and quickly walked back to the waiting room. Ven stepped out of her hiding spot but couldnt figure out what he was talking about. It was pretty clear thet it was about her, but why, could that explain the bizzare glares the family was giving her. She needed to find out, and something told her, she needed to find out soon...
'Quickly, why are you standing there, get this done.' The familiar vile voice filled the entie room. 'Madam, the haulers are here b...' 'Good, make sure to get it all out safely. If you dare break anything, your children will dread the day they were conceived' The wretched woman continued with her outrage. It was going to be a very long day for them. Whats more, Etta was planning on making this the grandest event ever. Apart from hauling insults at the helpers, she had been busy contacting wealthy people from all over the land and beyond. Some of them had no interest in responding to the invitations, but they did it for the sake of courtesy. That is why she was now very hellbent on making it grand, so as to show off to her aristrocratic 'friends'. She was even more happier when she found out that the Greys would be able to come and since thn she had been giddily making sjre she menioned it in every single one of her invitations. 'The event will be graced by the presenc of the mighty Grey Family.' If anything, most of the people were coming for that very reason. It was surely going to be a party to remember.
She couldnt fall asleep thinking the day's events. They had managed to get back home even though Flare was a bit unhappy. Turns out her mother had not response to any medications thereby making difficult to comw to any definite conclusions. 'All we can do is hope.'those are the words the doctor had said. But that was the least of her worries. Something had brought her to that place and she needed to know what. 'Bang!' The door slammed shut from the room, quiet enough for noone to hear it, but loud enough for her to  hear it. On cue, she got up and silently walked out, careful not to wake up Flare. Just as she suspected,  Mr Rosel had gotten up to his manoeuvre. She followed closely behind him, making sure he wouldnt notice him. She was grateful that at least he was walking wherever he was going. After a little while of following, h reached what looked like an old house. It looked quite distincg because of each features but it didnt look like any place humans would live. He looked around before knocking and entering. Ven knew she was risking it but she had to find answers. Putting her lately enhanced auditory senses to the test, she listened. 'This must be important, im losing my sleep because of you.....So what makes you so sure its her.' 'Well, even though its been years, i could never forget her. Those alluring eyes filled with innocence along with a...' 'Listen i dont need to here you describing her. I need something concrete.' ' not sure but, i think if its really her, she would have the same birthmark on the small of her back.' 'Do you have any plans of checking for it?' 'Im afraid not.' 'I thought so.'......'There could be another way.' 'What do you reckon?' 'The full moon test. If she is who you say she is, the test will be positive.' 'Well then it...' 'But! I have to warn you....Tempering with dark magic brings about great consequences. You have to prepare yourself for anything. Considering what you told me, she is soon to BE. Thats means by now she has already started experiencing some signs.' 'Im sure we can do the same we did the her mother a years back.' 'You do not understand. What you did to Aelfrun...' Ven's head suddenly became a bit dizzy. She found herself unable to concentrate. She ran away from the place as fast as she could. A voice occupied her mind like a  whisper. She suddenly started getting visions of a memory she knew nothing of. A lot of events played in her mind back and forth, she couldnt make out of them. The only thing that stuck out, was a familiar book that seemes to hold the answers to all the questions. 'Violet Nights:Chronicles of the Femmes Belles Et Rusees.' Alas, it was the same book she had received from the book store. She had never gotten the chance to read it, yet it held the answers to all her questions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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