Chapter 4

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I was asleep in my room. I swear that I was dreaming, but it all felt completely real for some reason and it freaked me out.

I woke up in a forest, not my room like always. It was really dense and I couldn't see where it ended. I was completely alone. The wind blew through the trees, howling as it forced the branches to shake.

" What am I doing here? Where am I?" I said to myself as I walked around, trying to find a way out of there. After a while, I got the feeling that something was watching me, following me, hell, I'd even say that the thing was right behind me. I stood calmed for a while, then I started to run for my life.

" Running won't do you any good. No one has ever escaped from me. I always kill them on the spot." Said a strange figure as he raced towards me. I've never seen anyone run like that.

" All I wanted was to dream about sweets, not shadowy figures trying to hunt me down." I said to myself as I tried hiding. Hiding in a time like this? The thing was almost ripping me to shreds. My only chance of survival is to keep running until I tire out.

As I went through the forest, running for my life, I didn't realize that a branch was sticking out of a tree and cut myself with it.

" Dead end." I said as I came to what looked like ruins. Trying to find a way out, I got cornered by the shadowy figure.

" Who are you? What are you doing here?" Said the shadow figure as it grabbed my neck and pulls me up against the wall.

" I don't know where I am or why I'm here, but I need to go some place that can help me with my arm." I said as I noticed that my arm was bleeding.

" You taste familiar." Said the figure as it licks the blood from my arm." Could it be really you? Do you remember me?" He asked as his blood red eyes stared into mine in shock.

" I don't know what you're talking about. I don't remember you even if we have met before." I said as I avoid his eyes.

" I'm sorry that you got hurt because of me." He said as he backed off and bowed.

" You don't have to bow Riuyo. I knew it was you when I saw your eyes. Now explain, how did you get here?" I asked.

"Actually it's the other way around. Don't you know where you are?" He said.

" Tadaima(1)?" I said as we walked into the castle ruins.

"Okaerinasai (2)!" Said Riuyo." We're the only ones here, the others are out on a search party for you. They heard that you got captured and disbanded in separate places. How did you escape?"

" I was never captured. I was sent to another dimension. You were all stupid enough to believe my dad, Hakaguro- kun (3)." I said as I sat down.

" We should stay here for a while. This place changed since you left. Lately we've been fighting a large number of shadows. Here, You have to eat these. They are gemstone candies. Your father said that it would help you absorb light and darkness. He invented them with the royal guards of light and the royal sorcerers of darkness while you were gone. That means you're gonna be able to manipulate light and shadows." Said Riuyo as he handed me the candy pieces.

When I ate the candy, I noticed a spark of light next to me feet. As I swallowed the concentrated magic, the sparks became lines that formed a Necrocircle of light and shadows.

" Let's go home. I feel tired and I have to talk to my dad. He owes me... a lot." I say as the Necrocircle disappeared.

" Wait. We need to show the others that you were never captured in the first place." Said Riuyo as he put his leather coat on.

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