CH. 19

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It hadn't been thirty seconds. Yeji was casually leaning against the wall of Keith and Lana's grand suite hotel room, trying desperately to tame her breathing and slightly erratic heart rate as she waited for Ryujin, who'd slipped in to pick up her other purse, which she'd left there since game night, claiming it matched her dress far better.

They were going on a date. A real date.

The gilded chandeliers waved overhead ever so slightly, casting beautiful displays of rainbow tinged light through the crystals that hung off the edges.

Yeji, too numb and simply too nervous and excited to respond, nodded and leaned herself against the wall, admiring the luxurious upholstery of the hotel hallway, wondering if she'd ever have seen something so opulent and decadent on her own dime, from her own hard work.

She'd wagered that she never would have made it to the airport on her own dime, let alone the cross country flight and the five-star resort.

The thought made her shoulders sag slightly, and she felt a sort of nagging dysphoria.

This wasn't her life. This wasn't her world, her family.

This wasn't where she'd belonged. She'd remembered the words of Nia Tips, one of her most ruthless foster caretakers. She'd forgotten what was, perhaps, Nia's most emphasized lesson.

Know your place, Yeji. Don't get your head lost in the clouds, because it certainly doesn't belong up there.

Yeji had resented those words, but she'd known them to be true. The things she'd done, as a result of feeling the desperation of need, neglect..

Yeji was certainly up in the clouds, far too high for her liking. She'd chased an angel like Ryujin, and now, she couldn't see the ground below her. At any moment, she could fall.

She heard the door creak open and she straightened up, readying herself for Ryujin. She prayed her melancholy thoughts wouldn't seep through her smile that she'd just put on.

Instead, she found herself eye-to-eye with Keith, in his casual yet formal button-up and slacks. He donned a knowing smile, his hands in his pockets as he shut the door behind him, greeting Yeji.

"Mr. Shin." Yeji nodded, widening her smile slightly, partially out of reflex, but also because she truly adored Keith Shin.

Keith shot her a faux glare, and Yeji put her arms up apologetically.

"My apologies, Keith." Yeji corrected, and he flashed her a toothy grin.

"Much better. I hate feeling like I'm sixty. Even though that's not so far down around the corner.." He teased, giving her a light Chuckle. "Sorry, Ryujin tells me dad jokes are lame and I'm 'not to make them in front of Yeji, under any circumstances, Dad.'" He smirked, doing his best impression of his daughter, his hands on his hips like Ryujin often did when she was bossing Yeji around.

A part of Yeji was touched that Ryujin had the foresight to hide Keith's dad jokes from her. She was flattered.

Yeji actually grinned at that, but, remembering her predicament, it quickly faded. She settled for a nervous smile.

"So.." Keith jerked his thumb back to the room, rolling his eyes. "Drama."

Yeji cocked her head, brows raised in response. "Between Lana and Ryujin?"

Keith nodded, but a smile teased at his lips. "Ryujin's realizing that her purse doesn't match her dress, and Lana's offering her the whole collection from our suitcase, and well, since Ryujin is so embarrassed, I figured I'd mosey on over here to keep your company."

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