I Love You. . . .So Much

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Thomas POV
Since we don't have enough room in our house, Julie got to sleep with me. In the same bed. She was already asleep. I other hand, kept replaying tonight's events in my head.
She said yes? She said yes?
I was overwhelmed with joy because the women I loved. The women that made me feel like I could do anything. The women I promise to protect. Said yes to hoping that we'll get to b together for the rest of our life's.
& with that I feel into a deep relaxing sleep.

**Thomas's Nightmare**
(Still in Thomas's POV)
It was during the night of Julie's quinecetta (A/N sorry if I misspelled that word).
GM: *had a gun pointed at Julie's head* HOLD IT RIGHT THERE ROMEO! Come anywhere closer and princessa here dues!
J (in a silent tone): Thomas please help me! Pl....please.

Worry started to fill my eyes. Then I shook my head and stood my ground.

T: What do you want?
Gang member #3: she and I are gonna go somewhere secret for alittle while. You and your buddies are NOT g2 follow us. Same goes for the cops!
T: what if I say no?
GM: then u can say goodbye to ur Juliet!
I felt completely torn! If I agree with him, then lord knows what he will do to her! But if I don't then I could loose her.

Before I could finally decided, I heard a gunshot. He shot Julie in the stomach! The murderer ran off and disappeared into the night.


I ran to her and held her in my arms.

T: no, no, Julie stay with princessa.
J: Thomas? *she said barely even hearable*
T: Ya its me beautiful! I'm right here. Stay with me! Please.
J: i....love....
*thomas woke up before she could say anything else*

(A/N: Julie is wearing a night gown - see pic above found on Pinterest; Thomas is wearing shorts but no top)

*back to reality*
I woke up gasping for breath.
J: Thomas u ok?

*she turned on the light, then moved closer to me*

T: do u ever think about that night?
J: no.

*i turned and placed my feet on the floor*

T: y not? Weren't u scared out of ur mind?
J: of course I was scared but I knew that everything would b ok.

*she said coming closer to me*

T: how did u know? How did u know that everything would b ok?

*there was a moment of silence. Then she wrapped her arms around me & rested her head on my shoulder*

J: because I trusted that the lord would protect me. Plus I knew no matter what, u would b there to protect me.
T: but I couldn't protect u. If I could hve u wouldn't hve gotten taken away.
J: *turned my head so I was looking right at her* Thomas what's wrong?
T: I think about that night. All the time. I think about how I could hve lost u. I think about what would happen if we didn't go on that car ride.
J: Thomas, I think about that night too.
T: what do think about from that night?
J: I think about how u & the boys protected me. I think about how much I trusted u. I think about how u wanted to protect so much that you put my life first.

*she rested her forehead against mine. She looked me straight in the eyes*

J: Thomas, that night, was I scared out of my mind at first? Yes. Do I regret that night? No.
T: how can u not regret that night?
J: Thomas, that night, was the night that I realized how strong my feelings for u were. That night, I realized that I could trust u. & that's a big thing for me. I love u Valles. With everything that's in me and everything that I am. I will never stop loving u.
T: I just didn't want to lose u. Nor do I ever want to loose u!
J: same here.

*I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. This kiss was full of passion and I didn't want to let go.*

T: I love u White. Forever and ever.

**A/N: sorry it took so long to update. Hope u guys liked it. Comment, favorite, read.**

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